Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Palin's Socialist Nightmare State

(this is reprinted from The Harpers Weekly Website)

Does Sarah mean a state:

* That snatches its victims off the street, denies them all form of legal process and whisks them away to secret “blacksites” where they can be tortured using all the techniques described in Arthur Koestler’s Darkness at Noon?
* That arrests and prosecutes its political adversaries for imaginary crimes so as to eliminate them from the running in election cycles in which they could do some damage?
* That destroys the careers of professional military men because they got promotions under a prior regime and therefore considers them disloyal?
* That believes it can detain and hold its enemies forever without any charges or any evidence against them, denying them access to courts to prove their innocence?
* That constantly manipulates the population’s fear whenever its public popularity slips and elections begin to approach?
* That believes that it can make no errors, and that those who point to its errors are traitors?
* That systematically spies on millions of its citizens in direct violation of a criminal statute which forbids such surveillance?
* That signs new laws with its fingers crossed in the form of signing statements, so that no one knows whether the laws—or any part of them—will actually be enforced?
* That lies to its people about threats from abroad in an effort to build popular support for a series of wars and then cites the existence of those wars as a reason to suppress dissent?
* That nationalizes the debt of predatory capitalists so they suffer no punishment for their misconduct and then nationalizes major financial institutions, converting the nation’s free market system into a socialism in which crony capitalists are a privileged elite?

Sarah, you have no need to fear the future.

(*anthropological note: about midway into Palins rant, you can hear one of her supporters scream "He's a nigger!", referring to Obama. Palin obviously reacts as if she hears it, but just keeps on trickin' with her rant of hate! Here's the exchange:
Palin: Obama...Barack Obama has an ideological commitment to higher taxes. The lessons I believe we have taught our kids would start to erode. Those lessons about work ethic, hard work being rewarded and productivity being rewarded...

Female yelling off-camera, in audience:
And he's a ni***r!

Palin: And...and......lessons about, um, the virtues of freedom and independence while being generous and compassionate with others.

...the reason why I feel this is important is because the lying meme of taxes and socialism that the Palin/McCain has chosen to push is so obviously racist. It panders to the mushy racist stereotypical fantasies of the image of Obama taking hard earned white dollars and giving them to lazy welfare cheats....that's the underlying reason why they have chosen this particular lie to base their dishonest false campaign on!)


  1. Hi there! I took your advice and visited your blog.
    First, let me say that I do not condone, nor agree with, any degrading name calling of any candidate. I may not agree with either of our nominees platforms, but we must use common sense and what little brain power we possess to forge forward. I definitely don't agree with Obama's policies but I would never call him anything other than what he is; one a politician, and two a socialist. I am sure he is a nice guy and we might even get along smashingly, but I don't want him running my government.
    Second, your list— except for the first few examples— already sounds like America, and, or the direction we are heading. See, that is how we end up in 1984. The government slowly chips away all your rights so that you get use to them, before you know it you have nothing left but some Victory Gin and war propaganda.
    Third, and don't get offended by this, but why are you so angry with Republicans? Have they not done any good over the years?
    Fourth, what do you think about Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher? I think it is a shame that the media had to drag him through the mud. Why don't they investigate other people (I could think of a few) like they did him?

  2. We could take Michelle Bachman's advice and investigate members of Congress for their anti-American views. Really, this "socialism" tactic is nothing but modern-day red baiting.

  3. Keith Olberman nailed the Diva this evening using her own words about the 'social state of Alaska.'

    Funny stuff, but then that's Sarah!

  4. jq, I'm not sure if you were being ironic? The list I printed was a description of conditions in America today!
    I will assume you realize that.

    Wurzelbacher? Too bad for him, he wanted to swin in the shark tank and forgeot he needed a stainless steel speedo.
    He's having his five minutes of fame and it is going to his head. Did you see him get slammed by FOX NEWS yesterday when he tried to defend his statement that voting for Obama would create a Holocaustt for Israel?

    jq, could you honestly give me a list of things that the republicans have done over the last few years that have been positive for America and not just go into platitudes and hopeful thinking and myths?

    Look, I'm not in the business of making Republicans look good...

    On the other hand, I really appreciate your visit. I am curious as to what kind of a musician you are. I try to present some the music that affects me and has influenced me here and much more...it seems, though, that this election has taken up a lot of time!

  5. Sarcasm doesn't convey well on these little comment sections.
    Look, I try to be as informed as possible about politics. Unfortunately there are crazies on either side who will say anything and do anything to further their cause. My whole point politically is that I am sick of the rhetoric from both sides. They are both whiners.
    And yes their is a double standard in the media. I know it's hard to believe but it's true.
    I cannot spend all my time researching facts and building a case for what good the republicans have done. I will make a side mission of mine for the near future. I will also investigate Democrats, because unlike most people I like to be fair and honest.

    As far as music I am currently enrolled at the local university studying to become a music educator. It's my first semester and with working, raising a child and life in general I am very stressed and busy. I know the hard work will pay off in the end.

    Calm down about politics before you have a heart attack though old man! (Another joke.)

  6. Oh and the Joe stuff. There is currently an investigation as to the lady who illegally obtained his information. Let's not forget he is just a citizen and not a candidate.

  7. Joe just announced that he intends to run for congress as representing one of Toledos districts. In case you haven't noticed, he is being paid by the McCain campaign and has a high powered agent now. A detail which might have escaped you attention, Samuel's cousin is married to one of John McCains oldest supporters.

    Sorry jq, but political activism is what keeps me young. I respect your opinion, but you seem to have no real opinion except to throw up your hands and blame every one for the current state of the world and your country.

    You claimn to be an equal opportunity blamer, but I really detect more than just a hint of fear of "That One".

  8. Do not ever imply that I am a racist. That is highly offensive. Overall I don't like some of his policies and think that he is not the person to run my country. If I liked his ideas than I would vote for him. So again do not ever imply that I am racist.

    It's not like I said "they should cut that niggers balls off"...oh wait that was the Good Reverend Jackson.

    How can you respect my opinion if, according to you, I don't have one?
    I do blame everyone because they all had a part in this debacle. I did not create any of these problems. It was the Republicans and the Democrats.

    Oh and you are wrong on Joe running for office. Not everyone is part of a grand GOP conspiracy. He never asked Obama to come to his house. All he did was ask a question. Why should he be demonized for that?

  9. I'm not wrong regarding Joe, in fact you will hear about the album he is recording very soon.
    If you do not believe that he is making a bundle out of his involvement with the McCain campaign right now and expects to parly it into something even bigger, then you are extremely naive, or in a statte of denial.

    I asked you a question about your attitudes about "that one" and I got the same out of proportion response I expected.

    I asked you to tell me what you might qualify as something good that the last 8 years of a Republican presidency has done for you and I got a song and dance about not having the time to think of anything.
    You say you aren't going to vote...

    If the only game you wanna play is feigning outrage instead of thinking, then what am I supposed to think of your opinions?

    My advice, if McCain wins the election? Relax, stop struggling, spread your legs and enjoy it.

  10. Wow.

    You sure settled my hash.

    Maybe you missed the part of my comment when I said that I was a father, a student and worked. That leaves very little time to research facts to rebut your argument. Time I could be spending with my son, or practicing music. Come on. You are a musician. You know how much work is involved in learning this skill.

    I do the best I am able to stay as informed. I watch the nightly news, listen to the radio, read the news online...whatever I can do in the limited time I have. There is no need to attack me because I disagree with you.

    I thought that we could have a reasonably intelligent conversation/debate over issues concerning politics and music and whatnot, but I cannot continue to visit your blog if you attack me at every chance you get. I said I would try and make some time to further research the topic, it was not a song and dance. Give me a chance.

    I never said I wasn't going to vote. I said I wasn't going to vote for the either of the two big ticket candidates.

    I live about ten miles from where Joe is from and I hear quite a bit of news regarding him. I am 99% sure that I was right about my statement concerning his desire for running for office. And who cares if he makes money from this deal, more power to him.

    I am not feigning my emotions regarding the state of affairs in America, It is very real.

    Saying I was offended by your implication that I was a racist was not out of proportion. I think you should apologize for making such a claim.

    Are we going to be able to continue a civilized conversation, or should I not frequent your blog any more?

  11. Geez o pizza, I didn't ask you to write a thesis!
    I asked you a simple question that should have been simple to answer if you so passionately thought that I was being so negative regarding the Republican Party.
    My info regarding Joe is all true and if you want to make him a hero, then go ahead.
    If you want to negate the Charles Keating family connection, then go ahead.
    What is wrong with your attitude about Joe is that in the light of how he has allowed himself to be used and profited from his association with the McCain Campaig as the official mascot, you think that I shouldn't want to know who he is and he somehow should be protected....He gave up the right to privacy when he agressively entered the public sector. He is planning to run for congress and when he does, he will have to sbmit to much morte intense public scrutiny than the media celebrity fascination is putting himn under now!
    You might wonder why I bother about posting on Toledo blogs and why I find that particular corner of America so fascinating.
    I lived there for 10 years. I was the drawbridge operator on the Toledo Terminal Bridge up at the Mouth of the Maumee while I put myself through college at UT. I find it like most of America, a place where ideas mix, but it is a great place because I see a radical divide there between what I consider Progressive Humanist Politics and Close minded Conservative Rural Politics.
    I have been reading a lot of Balzac lately and his work was written in the early to mid 19th century, but his depictions of people ring so true today. People carry traits and habits of the past inside of them and pass them on generation to generation.

    You have to admit, I never called you a racist. I asked you a question and your over the top response, demanding that I apologize for asking the question doesn't require an apology.

  12. 'You claimn to be an equal opportunity blamer, but I really detect more than just a hint of fear of "That One".

    That was not a question. You implied I was racist. Don't act like a naive old man.

    Sorry we couldn't have a reasonable discussion. Good Day.

  13. I'm still not apologizing, good night.
    I'd recommend a good mental enema or a psychic laxative, but I'm not a real doctor, I just play one on this blog.....

  14. Wow. What amazes me is that so many seem to forget that we all have the right to our own opinions.

    Whether we agree or not…

  15. Well Pixie, I agree with you there!
    It's just important to actually have an opinion rather than infer that you might have one.

  16. excuse me, I am sorry that I wasn't able to be the mean old man that JQ must have warned you about...
    I'll have to try harder.

  17. Trust me. We have plenty of opinions around here. JQ and I may not agree on all the happenings of the election, but we manage to have a civilized conversation about it.

    Perhaps that's the main problem—the written word often doesn't translate the same way these words might when they are spoken. You may not have called JQ a racist outright, but when you implied that he has a "fear of 'That One", it was taken as such.

    Let me explain why. Many people believe that by McCain saying "That One" he was referring to Obama's race. I don't think that is a secret.

    I also don't think it's necessarily true, but through the efforts of the mainstream media, that statement now has the issue of race attached to it.

    You may not have meant it that way, but when it's the written word (without an intonation to back it up) it's hard to tell.

    JQ didn't "warn" me of anything, just that the two of you were having a debate that went awry. Of course, your comment about the "warning" was sarcasm—right? But again, it's hard to tell with the written word.

  18. Yes, I was being sarcastic. Sorry if your hubby is in a snit.

    Look, I'm like a durian, the giant stinky fruit of southeast Asia...either you like me or you don't.
    I'm not trying to be lovable and cute, some people find me irresistable and some people find me disgusting.

    I like to communicate with people all over the world and share humor and opinions with them.

    I seem to get responses that are not neutral. I get threatening posts and emails from the Christian Right pretty regularly. When the stuff gets too crazy, I trash it.
    About once a week, a crazy conservative christian blogger from Toledo threatens to turn me in to Homeland Security as a No Fly Terrorist threat...I used to get worried but I know she is a raving lunatic.
    I am very passionate about what I believe in and try to present researched factually based pieces as well as satire and fiction...the satire is pretty obvious except to those who are more than half a bubble off center.
    When I write fiction, I state it is fiction.
    I love music and played rock in New York City for 20 years, I am an artist and love food. I write about my life and my experiences living here in France.

    If you read the thread of my exchange with your husband I asked him questions based on his statements....
    I don't like being told I have to apologize because of something I said that I think was up to him to interpret.

    Perhaps I am saying too much, but you were nice enough to pursue the exchange......
