Saturday, October 04, 2008

Who Are The Brain Police?

Every once in a while I have to do this. This a video collage that was recently made in homage to the Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention song which inspired the name of this blog, Who Are The Brain Police?
It was released in 1965 on the double album Freak Out.
I thought it was a snappy little ditty at the time and I still do.

I am taking an approximately 2 week break to work on the Vendenge at the Chateau Vieux Chevrols, where I have worked for the last 7 years tending 20 hectares of grape vines and then harvesting them. During the Vendenge, the grape harvest, we get up around 6:30 am and are in the fields by 8. I enjoy being a porter. I carry tons of grapes every day on my back. I have written about the vendenge for the last 2 years and hope to do it again this year. We are an extended international group...Dutch, English, French, Moroccan, Algerian...and an American.
While I am there I am out of touch with most media, including the internet.
Don't do anything funny while I'm gone.


  1. Great tune! I hope it's a good harvest for you.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM


    200 Motels. Thanksgiving 1971


  3. TLGK, somewhere on this blog I posted the opening gameshow sequence of 200 Motels with Theodore Bikel and ringo Starr........
    I would love to watch it again...if all the copies of the film haven't self destructed spontaneously by now.
