Friday, November 28, 2008

Grace Jones

Last night on the News/Entertainment program on Canal+, Le Grand Journal, we were delighted to see a live performance by Grace Jones. Madame Jones is releasing her first album in quite a few years, Hurricane. She performed this piece called Williams Blood.
I first saw Grace Jones in the late 70's. A performer who goes way beyond any one dimension, she is a work of art. Every aspect is stylized and personalized in a way others could only try to imitate. It was interesting to see her son performing with the musicians, he cowrote and produced his mothers record. Somehow, Madame Jones has managed to become such an iconic, surreal persona that it was a great leap of imagination to accept that she had a 25 year old son.
This is a recent performance from German television.


  1. I heard about this, a french girlfriend of mine was raving about it... since I don't have a teevee I missed it! (wonders if it is online...hmmm)

  2. Interestingly, Grace Jones couldn't get a record deal from a major label to record a new record!
    So, she did it very low budget and her son was very instrumental in the production and writing.
    The result, Hurricane is her best record in years and will be a huge hit!
    I also could not comprehend that Grace was 60...if anything, her voice has become richer with age.
    60...well that's not so old, Iggy Pop is 62 and still stage diving.
