Friday, November 28, 2008

Zappadan Draws Nigh

Just a friendly reminder that the Feast of Zappadan
is approaching. The High Holy Days are from the
4th to the 21st of December.
This is a nice picture of Frank and his parents.

Wanna buy some pencils?


  1. ALways a hoot here, Microdot. Frank and his parents wondering, 'What the hell did we produce?'

  2. Mudrake, I miss going to your blog already, but I understand that blogging can become all consuming especially when the issues are so passionate.

    I notice that Madam Thing is already having "cold turkey" and is trying to make do here.

    Unfortunately, I must limit her posts to any thing she can write in under 25 words and still manage to make an ass of herself.

    It's a challenge, but I know she won't let me down.

    You will have to put up with the festivities here while we celebrate Zappadan with other blogs all over the world!

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Microdot and Muddy,
    Ahhh, Zappadan…It is one of my favorite times of the year. I await it with much anticipation.
    Muddy, I too have missed your postings and hope you are back soon.

  4. Muddy, I too have missed your postings and hope you are back soon.

    Thanks Engineer. After the Inauguration I may start up my blog once again. No doubt I will be greatly inspired by all of the people we meet while in DC.

  5. I must limit her posts to any thing she can write in under 25 words and still manage to make an ass of herself.

    She has nothing worthwhile reading in 2500 words so it makes no difference what the amount is.

  6. Yeah, but she can post here as long as she makes an ass of herself...concisely!
