Wednesday, November 05, 2008

President Barack Hussein Obama

As of 11am today, the count is Obama 349 electoral votes to John McCains 147...
Say it: President Barack Hussein Obama!
There, that wasn't so hard, was it?


  1. Congratulations for the anticipated victory of Barack Obama.

  2. It is a real victory!
    Thank you, agaq!

  3. Indeed it is! To the world: We apologize for the GRAND MISTAKE of the past 8 years. We hope that the Obama victory on Tuesday will be a step in the direction of reparations.

  4. Anonymous8:35 PM

    My wife, the ladies, and I danced the Kazachok in the endzones of our minds.


  5. Anonymous8:35 PM

    My wife, the ladies, and I danced the Kazachok in the endzones of our minds.


  6. There was one shot when I was watching on CNN of Jesse Jackson in the crowd, with tears running down his face...that's when I lost it.

  7. Anonymous11:15 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Microdot,
    When I was watching Fox news results last night and Karl Rowe announced at 9:00 PM that Ohio belonged to Obama….. I knew then that it was over. Great effort on everyone’s part, yours, Mud Rake, History Mike, in a small part myself, Pete Seeger should be proud of us all.

  8. Engineer, I congratulated Mudrake in an email because I really respect the effort not only with his passionate writing, but his actual daily participation on the ground in Toledo. Knocking on doors, on the street...
    This was amazing because it truly was a social phenomenon. The will of millions of people, small donations, for me it became like a lotto ticket habit...almost every time I heard some new nastiness from The Republican smear machine, I felt compelled to buy another chance in the "Obama Lotto".
    McCain and Palin should be given a lot of credit for Obama's victory.
    Just their presence was enough to inspire us all to work harder!

  9. I also shot the muckraker an e-mail when the announcement was broadcast. It's been a fun arguement!

  10. It has been fun, although, at my age, terribly exhausting.
