Thursday, November 06, 2008

Vendange 2008

The American Presidential Election has taken up a lot of my intellectual and emotional energy. It's over and the entire world is happy. Life goes on.

During the month of October, as for the last 7 years, I participated in the Grape harvest at the Chateau Vieux Chevrol in the Lalande Pomerol region. I would like to write a bit about that experience and I need some photos!

I worked with a great group of people this year and we all got along and cooperated on an unprecedented level...So, I am making this appeal in French and well as English...if you have photos you would like to see in the article, send them to me at my email:

Hallo aan al mijn Nederlandse vrienden die met mij hebben samengewerkt in het Chateau Vieux Chevrol in dit jaar 2008 vendange.
Ik zou graag opnieuw publiceren van een artikel over onze ervaringen samen te werken en ik moet wat foto's!
Als u een groep foto's of foto's die u zou willen hebben me bekend in het artikel, stuur ze dan naar mijn e-mailadres:
Ik ben benieuwd naar uw ervaringen!

Bonjour à tous mes amis français qui ont travaillé avec moi sur Vendanges 2008 à Château Vieux Chevrol. Je veux écrire un article sur la Vendange comme je l'ai fait au cours des dernières années et j'ai besoin de quelques photos ... si vous avez des photos des travaux, un groupe de photos ou de tout ce que vous aimeriez voir figurer, s'il vous plaît envoyez à mon e-mail:
J'aimerais avoir de vos nouvelles!


  1. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Microdot, looky here, Yo mama so fat her toilet bowl made of spandex.


  2. Microdot- It must be a great centering experience to be working the vineyards in the same fashion as the Romans those many centuries ago.

  3. Mudrake, the region I work in was one of the first regions in France that the Romans imported grape cultivation into almost 2,000 years ago.
    There are archaeological digs in St. Emilion that have un earthed wine presses from that time.
    The grape culture tradition was revived by the Benedictine monastaries during the middle ages and from that, the tradition and reputaion of the region grew continually.
    If you ever have a chance to see St. Emilion, take it. It is a place built over caves which are used to age and stor wine from Roman time.
    The origianl church was built as an excavation into the cliff face and a few centuries later, a magnificent bell tower was built on top of the cliff. There is a stronghold built by Edward the 2nd of England and it remained an English possesion for almost 250 years.
    Truly a fascinating place. Maybe you could spring for a bottle of 2003 Petrus...I think it sells for over $1,000 a bottle now.
    I want to work at the Petrus vineyards at least once...

  4. Mr. P...tha's a nasty thing you say about my momma...cause I hear when yo mamma flushes her toilet all the low lying areas around Pittsburgh have to evacuated......

  5. HA HA --you didn't like being called a crusty ol' coot --or what was that i called you because you called me "BIG BABE?" "creepy curmudgeon"? I can't remember since Muddy-poo deleted it.

    but I don't remember calling you a drunk from France. Maybe jeanette referred to Whynot at some point.

    I thought Jeanette was perfectly polite --but Mudly couldn't stand either "o so righteous Christian woman" commenting after the election on his blog. What a chauvinist! No women write on his blog --that seems to be the way he likes it.

  6. You called me a scrawny old dude and I replied that it might be an improvement...I laughed...

    but the drunken angry French man came from your son in a the last day or two on your blog.

  7. Anonymous3:38 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Microdot,
    I wanted to thank you for giving me an outlet for my voice. You helped me keep my sanity and an ability to vent the screaming thoughts that I knew to be true which were counter to what these blowhards were putting out. I have also thanked Mud Rake for allowing me to pass on the inside information that I had on the truth within the Republican Party here in the 1st District here in Maryland. Many of my moderate friends, including Congressman Wayne Gilchrest, all worked and raised money for the Democratic challenger, Frank Kratovil. The Right Wing Nut Job, Andy Harris who back stabbed my good friend Wayne Gilchrest was just another Bushy / Cheney like who was going to vote the corporate influence line screwing over the everyday man’s well being. It was a close race and went down to the absentee ballots but as the count went on, Kratovil’s lead just increased. I am now pointing out that the extreme conservative religious right no longer has a viable voice here in Maryland. I explain that if the Republican Party is going to have a future, we need to let the “Nut Jobs” know that they are no longer welcome anymore. There already is a political party in existence that is more in line with their views….. The John Birch Society.

  8. I think the religious right no longer has a voice here on my blog...unless they post in dutch or serbian...
    not greek or french nor italian...
    farsi perhaps....

  9. Right now she and her other oh-so righteous brethren are in a deep and heated discussion of gay marriage.

    One needs protective gear to set foot in that cesspool of arrogance!

    Keith Olberman's 'special comment' this evening reams their asses clean.

  10. There you go again, Mudly --with your head up yours. You'll probably find Microd up there. You are ALWAYS talking about posteriors and excrement --gee!

  11. Hey Big Babe, I'm a lesbian, get over it...
    Don't worry long as you don't shave that mustache, your safe from me....

    I'd trash your comments, but the blogger trash compacter is clogged temporarily...

  12. OK, I'm implementing comment moderation because I can see
    the beginnings of a recurrence of
    last years stupidity again.
    I get a daily comment from the big babe because she can't post anywhere else. Any interaction with her excalates into the barrage of anonymous idiocy and threats.

    Go ahead and howl, give birth to a live cow on your blog...nobody is listening and nobody cares.
