Wednesday, December 31, 2008

High Wire

This is my last post of 2008 and I have had a few songs in my head lately. For some reason, this riff...the funk beat of this piece keeps surfacing.
One of the artists who I really felt deserved wider recognition and should have had a bigger solo career was the youngest of the Isely Brothers, Ernie.
He grew up playing guitar for the Isely Brothers Band and was a great vocalist as well.
He was the distinctive silken distortion lead on the Isely Brothers classic "Who's That Lady?" from the late 70's and gave the band it's updated sound.
Ernie was a left handed Strat player. He claims his early teacher and inspiration was Jimi Hendrix, who played for the Iselys in the mid 60's. Though, Ernie is primaraly right handed, he learned everything backwards.
He record one great solo album, Ask The Ages, in 1989. He sang and played some great stuff including this piece "High Wire". Interestingly enough, he dedicated the record to Emily Dickenson and quoted her poetry.
Ernie is still playing studio work and tours with the latest version of his brothers as well as the artist R.Kelley.
Have a great New Years and my next post will be dated 2009!
Bonne Annee!

1 comment:

  1. Left handed guitar playing is one of those neat things like batting South-Paw, as the strings are not reversed when the axe is flipped allowing for a unique sound only Southies can play!

    Happy Newyear and a the best for 2009, Micro!
