Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Madness Of John Bolton

BBC Newsnight's Jeremy Paxman interviews neocon former US ambassador to the UN and Bush-buddy John Bolton, and crushes Bolton's false notions about Iraq (watch Bolton turn red). If only American TV news was this good...

Bonne Annee, Tout Le Monde


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Microdot,

    What a great video clip exposing the Neo-con bull crap that this outgoing administration is trying to shade the real truth with.

    The line of questioning that Jeremy Paxton should have brought up to John Bolton was that Jimmy Carter had Iraq under Saddam Hussein, on a list of terrorist nations with sanctions. It was under Ronald Regan who sent Donald Rumsfeld to reestablish relations with Saddam Hussein because he was making plans to attack Iran which worked well with the self righteous Neo-cons at the time.

    It was the Regan Administration who passed on the biological warfare strains, chemical warfare formulas, and set up an account with BCCI in Italy to purchase equipment needed to produce the weapons of mass destruction. Regan even gave Saddam Hussein helicopters equipped with the spraying apparatus under agricultural pretexts funded by our own Department Agricultural budget to pay for it. Talk about wasting U.S. tax payer’s money!!

    Yes, where were these indignant Neo-cons like John Bolton when this country was giving Saddam Hussein the Weapons of Mass Destruction to use on Iran during the Iraq/Iran war. It was only when Saddam attacked the Kurds of his own country that they viewed this as an unfortunate consequence of their decision.
    It is true that Saddam had the means and knowledge to produce Weapons of Mass Destruction because it was the Regan Administration who gave it to him!! So Mr. John Bolton lets tell the whole truth of Saddam Hussein’s Weapons of Mass Destruction program.

  2. My head is still spinning because of the continual spin-answers of Bolton. Bob, weave, deny....

    What's a neocon to do but that??

  3. And it comes down to the last tool of conservative reasoning, BLUSTER AND BILE!
