Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Kids, Don't Try This At Home....

I'm been trying to write for at least 15 hours...but our internet service is getting knocked out by the weather! So, I'm back on and taking a chance!
I am sure you have heard by now about the reopening of the Bangkok Airports after the protest and occupation by hundreds of thousands of PAD (People Alliance for Democracy) supporters.

I am posting a video that was aired on Al Jazeera earlier this week which shows the peaceful nonviolent atmosphere of the demonstrations. The violence that occurred which resulted in the death of a few demonstrators was caused by goverment supporters who randomly lobbed a few grenades into the peaceful crowd.

The PAD was protesting the corrupt coalition goverment which has controlled Thailand in one way or another for quite a few years. The goverment was overturned 2 years ago by the army in a bloodless coup which ousted Prime Minister,Thaksin Shinawatra, banned him from Thai politics and sent him into exile.

His ally, Somchai Wongsawat, became the new Prime Minister. the Ruling parties have become very rich due to corruption which became the standard way of doing business in Thailand. There was an attempt to force them out of office earlier this year, using the claim against the prime minister, that his television cooking show was illegal.
The PPP and it's coalition parties have a popular base in the poverty stricken North where they use propaganda against the more wealthy urban south to create a class system...the country folks against the urban elite.

During the crisis, the Prime Minister stayed out of Bangkok and traveled in the North.
The Courts, at the urging of the very popular Thai king, ruled that the PPP and it's allied parties were guilty of electoral corruption and forced the Prime Minister to resign and barred them from political activity for the next 5 years.
A victory on paper, because of the innate flaws of the Thai parliamentary system and the parties will reform under another name and many of their deputies still control the Thai Parliament.

The world watched as the Thai people staged their non violent protest and paralysed the nations commerce. The western goverments stood back and instead of offering support made guarded statements regarding the dangers of mass protest.
The worlds news featured irate travelers railing against the idiots who wouldn't let them get to Phuket for their vacations. The Thais responded with their usual courtesy and put stranded travelers up in empty luxury hotels, free of charge.

There is an innate sense of courtesy in the Thai character. Good manners and graciousness are a hallmark of the national identity. Losing your temper and getting angry triggers a non aggressive wall of passive non compliance. You can get nowhere fast by yelling in Thailand, but a smile will open most doors and get you a good deal.

We have seen the biggest non violent demonstration in recent history succeed in Thailand. The demostrators may not have gotten all they wished for, but they know they have the approval of their king, the vocal support of the queen, the protection of the police and possibly the involvement of the army as an ally should this be neccessary.

The west sat silent watching, hoping that this would be a lessson unlearned by the other words: It's okay for the Thais, but Kids, Don't Try This At Home!

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