Monday, December 01, 2008

That Special Christmas Gift

There is a perfect replica of the Eiffel Tower, 1/20th scale about 20 kilometers from here in the Village of Ayen in the Correze. The tower is situated on the property of the artist who built it in 1989, Jean-Paul Caudoux. He has a relatively unknown private museum, L'atelier de Vieux Metiers which has a collection of ancient machines and cars. It is a veritable Ali Baba's Cavern.

The Tower stands about 17 meters tall and weighs around 6 tons. Jean-Paul has it for sale in the internet and is asking around 30,000 Euros for it. He is in his late 60's and is interested in retiring. He hopes that if it is bought, it can remain where it is, but it can be disassembled into three sections which could be easily moved by heliocopter.

I would like to see it remain where it is, I bike to Ayen quite frequently and it is the site of one of my favorite boulangers. Not only is the bread wonderful, but they make a special pastry called le Delice de Noix. It's a little tart with a crust made with ground walnuts and filled with a walnut flavored pastry cream frosted with mocha...very addictive!
Ayen is a very historic little place on one of the hills of the Correze with a perfect Romanesque Church dating from the 13th century which in the late 19th century was taken apart stone by stone and reassembled because of a structural problem caused by earth movement. The original foundation of the church dates to a gallo roman structure.
One of my favorite and very challenging bike trips! The little village clinging to the side of the hill with the older Ayen-bas below in the valley. There are some pretty funky Correziene style red sandstone chateaux to discover. Visit Jean-Pauls museum beofre he closes up shop!


  1. You continue to please me with the variety of subjects you present to your readers. Naturally, I envy your location where biking to a village like this is doable.

    I envy the artist as well. I found great joy last year making a model of our new villa in the 30:1 scale. I used foam board [posterboard] and a hot glue gun as my tools. I added details like windows [clear plastic] and shrubs [railroad design] and even doorknobs out of small gold pieces I found at a craft store. I even took photos of our furniture and scaled those down into miniature size.

    I placed a model of a 55 Ford in the 'garage' just to finish it off.

    Lots of fun!

  2. I love making models also. I have been experimenting with "pop up" art...paper craft stuff.
    I have this idea of incorporating it into printmaking....
    If you get a chance, email some of the photos of your project!

  3. I have been searching my computer for them but apparently I deleted them! Sorry.
