Monday, December 08, 2008


Partially due to my own indisgression, but more by my cultural curiosity and well, the tendency to want to poke the wasps nest to see what happens...
I have had a series of obnoxious interactions with members of the Fundalmetalist Christian persuasion.
Basically, I am not a christian and I believe that organized religion is one of the most dangerous forces which holds mankind back and keeps us as a specie locked in an ever deadlier cycle of dangerous behavior. Maybe, historically and in the evolution of our consciousness, it played an important role in helping man cope with his relationship to the universe and enforcing a moral code but for myself, personally, the play is over, and I have moved on.
I believe for our own sake, it is time to move on.
So today, I bought this great the Mutant Supermarche in Terrasson. It is a pure pork mini jesus....It's a mini jesus because it's only 300 grams. I'm not sure what a maxi jesus would weigh. The saucisson is made in the Auvergne and has a great mellow flavor, there is no nitrate taste. It is not smoked, but totally air dried. It is a speciality in the late fall and winter. I had a few slices with bread from our bakery in Villac and some mi vache/mi chevre cheese that had liquified...and a glass of bergerac rouge. The cheese is one made from both goat and cow milk and sold in the same form as a camembert, but as a ripe camemebert gets runny, these seem to become almost liquid! Delicious.
I couldnt resist the saucisson, they were on sale for 3 Euros with a sign that said, "Baby Jesus Pur Porc" as it says on the back label. I ate it thinking of my fundamentalist friends who haunt this blog. What a great country I live in! The French state threw off the bounds of religion over 200 years ago officially and has struggled to keep the boundary of church and state defined. If this sausage was sold in the United States, it would cause riots. Bill O'Reilly's head would actually explode live on television. Fat crazy women would get down on their knees and pray for vengeance....
Too fucking bad!


  1. hey the mini pork baby jesus products - long have I sought these in vain!

  2. Too funny, microdot! An oddity is that Jesus was a Jew and of course pork was an abomination.

    The religion gig still snags thousands of unsuspecting children, offering them some Sky Magic and false ideas based on nonsense. Yet, America is awash in it all. Alas, perhaps some decade hence we shall rid ourselves of this foolishness.

  3. Since I am the charcuterie expert...
    The pur porc air dried jesus saucisson is called thta because of the wrapping, which is supposed to remind one of th swaddling clothes of the baby jesus.
    There is another jusus sausage, the jesu de morteau which is very popular.
    It is smoked ands it gets its name from the little wooden picks in the ends by which is hung. Like nails..get t?
    We eat jesuits, which are big trriangles of puff pastry glazed with sugar crystals on them to give them crunch, religeuse, which means nun, which are the very popular traditional creampuff in two parts.
    The bottom part is filled with pastry cream, chocolate or mocha, then another little puff is stuck on top as the "head" then it is glazed with the appropriate icing, coffee or chocolate.
    Then there are sacristans wqhich are sticks of puff paste glazed with sugar, sometimes dipped in chocolate.
    Then of course, there are the little beignets...light little fried cakes, so light they are called "pets de nonnes" or Nun Farts.

  4. Oh, to live in a society where one spoofs religion rather than is suffocated by it!
