Monday, December 08, 2008

The Producers

So the Supreme Court turned down the emergency appeal by Leo Donofrio of East Brunswick, New Jersey over the claim that Barack Obama was actually a British subject because hiis father was a Kenyan. He claimed that Obama held dual nationality and was ineligible under his interpretation of the wording of the 14th amendment of the Constitution.

Donofrio also claimed that John McCain and Roger Calero of the Socialist party were ineligible tro be elected president over his interpretaion of the amendment.
Mr. Donofrio and Philip Berg who is also suing to try to prove that Barack Obama is not a citizen are class a con men. In Bergs case, he already has a track record in phony 9/11 conspiracy lawsuits. He takes the cases, makes huge fees, loses, but goes on to minor celebrity status writing books that conspiracy wing nuts buy up. In othre words it's sort of like the plot of Mel Brooks "The Producers" but instead of sweet little old ladies underwriting Max Bialys's production of Springtime For Hitler, they are paying to see their insane fantasies brought to life, if only to be dashed by the reality of law.
In the above video from last week, a small group of supporters of the suit hold a rally and pray for the success of their suit. They can't even agree on what the suit is about and when asked why something as important as the illegal election of a president isn't bigger news, one supporter contends that, "The media cannot speak about this because they are being held hostage by terrorists on the ground iin the USA with nuclear weapons that they will use if they speak!"

In Donofrio's case, it has been stated over and over again that, though, Barack Obama's father was born in Kenya and the children of Kenyans born while Kenya was a British Protectorate were able to claim British citizenship, this right ended in 1963, before Barack Obama was born...but hope springs eternal and the supporters of the lawsuit will say that even so, because his father was Kenyan, then he was able to claim Kenyan citizenship. Perhaps he could as a child, but Kenyan law states that a person would lose this right at the age of 21 unless they renounce any non Kenyan citizenship and swear an oath of allegiance to Kenya.

Berg, on the other hand, keeps taking money and promising action based on claims that Obama was either born in Kenya or Hawaii before it was a State and that he even could possibly be a citizen of Indonesia. He has filed cases in court after court and the cases are dismisssed again and again. Obama has provided birth certificates, records and all neccessary paperwork to authenticate to any legal authority that he is undeniably an American citizen, but.......

What drives the right wing nuts? Racial Hate? Xenophobic Fear? What would they do if in fact their claims were true? Riot? Go Home? Name John McCain as President? Would Biden automatically become president? It's pretty obvious that this band of wing nuts has absolutely no clue!

The only outcome for them that is absolutely certain is that Donofrio and Berg are going to write books, get paid to file bogus court cases and continue taking speaking fees and making a bundle off of this pathetic band of losers!


  1. There was a lad in my class named Donofrio while I did my time in school and he has to be related to this douchbag. Dumb as a rock and a big mouth too boot. Clearly the gene doesn't fall too far from the sperm.

  2. But wouldn't you say that this particular Donofrio is a pretty crafty guy?
    It takes brains and initiative to run a scam like this.
    I'd say the wing nuts who give him their bucks to fulfill their demented fantasies are the real idiots here!
    You gotta pay to play!

    By the way Mudrake, you might have been the 20,000 lucky person on my site meter.....
    I know there's a ceremony and a prize...somewhere...I'm looking in my files...

  3. Anonymous10:31 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Muddy,
    It does seem to be a truism that ignorance and the propensity to demonstrate one’s lacking intelligence runs at a very high ratio. i.e. Ms. Blog Beast. Reminds me of the old Abraham Lincoln saying, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." I think it was the comedian Ron White who said in his act, “The police officer said that I had the right to remain silent. The problem was I did not have the ability to remain silent.” In his case, alcohol was involved but in Ms. Beast’s case, too much drinking the Kool-Aid. Praise Jesus, Amen.
    Hello Microdot
    I also have to agree with you that this Donofrio is smart enough to capitalize on playing to the right wing nut jobs to gain financially. Joe the Plumber also tried to work this angle to some success. But the best of all at this is Rush Limbaugh who has made a very lucrative carrier using the same scam job.

  4. Engineer- good to see you visiting the blogs. The quote about 'dumbness' was told to me by my father eons ago, although he did not refer to me as I was quite the shy fellow in my youth. Thanks for the memory-jolt.
