Monday, December 01, 2008

Our Weekly White Trash Moment

This weeks White Trash Moment on the brainpolice is brought to you by Televangelists. Benny Hinn is fucking trashy and of course on the "JUST DIE" list with the rest of these shitty hypocrites. Just look at all the wheelchairs on stage. I'm sure! Check out the :45 mark to see some of his "magic." I would love to get on that stage, roll around and barf for Jesus. They had to install gutters in the aisles to channel all the drool away. And it's recommended that you wear a pair of pampers when you hear him "preach." Just being in the presence of such magnificence will make you piss your pants.
Here is an adorable pamphlet mailed out by Benny Hinn Ministries. It asks for contributions to help purchase "DOVE ONE," Hinn's new $36 million Gulfstream! Are you fucking kidding?!? And for a gift of $1000 or more, your name will be inscribed in the cabin of the plane. You can't make this crazy shit up! Praise the Lord!


  1. The "believers" will fund him because their entire life is based on belief rather than fact.

  2. I'm getting my name inscribed twice, just to be on the "safe" side!

  3. You know what?
    Being a born again Christian means never having to say "I'm sorry"
    because it just doesn't matter....
    When you're born again, then you are just not liable for any of the twisted stuff you ever did, because, it just doesn't matter.

  4. Yeah I'm sure that little boy's life was changed forever, from stooge to charlaton. They say that religion and theatre sprang from the same root -- the need for spectacles presented by magicians.

    Sorry I haven't been around lately, Microdot. Busy busy fall semester. And then the grand finale to the presidential election cycle that lasted for at least a year and a half too long.

    Looking forward to winter break and more time for blogging...


  5. I, also, village green, have been neglecting my old blogging friends...
    I think the election was real emotional experience for us all.
    But we can focus our energy elsewhere and I am channeling my inner "plouc".

  6. If one is "born again" then what of their birth mother? Is she discarded as irrelevant?

    Funny stuff over there in the make-believe world of the fundamentalist.

    My friend UptheFlag wants to know when the blog's going to be open again. Apparently he did not have the same emotional drain as I.

    January 23rd is my target date. Be there!

  7. Due to a groundswell and request, it is 'open' but not 'selling' much right now.
