Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Golden Shithouse

As long as I'm handin out the weekly White Trash Awards, the outgoing Secretary of the Interior, Dirk Kempthorne deserves a special mention and has become the proud recipient of thebrainpolice's first GOLDEN SHITHOUSE Award!
Yes, many were considered but Dirk managed to out spend and out crap all the contenders with his magnificent over the top expenditure of $235,000.00 of your tax dollars to remodel his office bathroom.
The General Services Administration approved and paid half the funds needed for this monumental project which included monogramed towels, a new shower, refrigerator and freezer. They also renovated the aging plumbing, but, stop, even buying top of the line and figuring in the usual over billing and graft associated with any goverment project, even half this figure seems a little ridiculous.
The department officials explained that much of the money was spent on exotic endangered specie wood paneling and marble tiling.
The Interior Department declined to ansswer inquiries from reporters about this.

1 comment:

  1. One more example of the wonderful 'governance' of the exiting Bush Administration.

    Considering all that we have been though over the past 8 years, could it be said that the entire Bush Administration had neither the idea nor any desire to actually govern this nation?
