Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Ron Asheton R.I.P.

This is a video of Iggy Pop and the Stooges from just last year performing their perrenial favorite, Now I Wanna Be Your Dog. The original Stooges record with this piece was released in 1968. The Stooges were never a commercially successful music group. They were a product of the anarchy of the late 60's Detroit Music scene and represented something beyond music. Iggy was and still is the ultimate performance artist. He could walk off of the edge of stage with confidence that he could keep walking and dancing across a sea of hands. I saw it happen more than once.

They created primitive, savage riffs and Iggy improvised vocally and physically. They provoked riots, but the Stooges were too much even for the insane times they existed in. The band self destructed in the early 70's. The bass player died, the drummer, Scott Asheton, the guitarist, his brother Ron and Iggy dissolved into incoherent drug use. In Iggy's autobiography, I Need More, he tells of how Scotty gradually traded away his drum set for heroin, until one night, he had just a bass drum and a snare.
At that point, Elektra Records began to wonder what the heck they had done.
Still, the records they produced and the performances they gave were the gasoline that started fires for decades after.

Iggy kept making records and performing after a period of dissapearing, collaborating with and influencing David Bowie and many other artists. No matter what anyone might think of Mister Pop, he has always been a pinnacle of musical integrity, never betraying his impulses and is a true artist. He never made a lot of money, but he is still at work.

The Asheton Brothers moved back to Ann Arbor, Michigan and founded the band, Destroy All Monsters with the singer and painter, Niagra. Ron found occasional work in B Movies. Scott became a housing contractor.
In 2003, the bassist Mike Watt succeeded in bringing them back together again for the record, Skull Ring. It worked and they began recording and touring until just last year and probably would have kept on, except, earlier today, Ron Asheton was found dead in his Ann Arbor home of natural causes. He was 60.

So in this video, the singer, Iggy is 62 and the Asheton Brothers (the drummer and guitarist) are 58 AND 59.
I chose this video because it gives you a chance to hear Ron's hysterical guitar solo...ROCK ON AND ON AND ON.........


  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge
    Hello Microdot.
    I have known about Iggy Pop and the Stooges for years but I don’t think that I have ever heard any songs. I liked it!! Thanks for posting this clip.

  2. Geez, it's a while since I saw or heard that song. Thanks for the blast from the apst. Iggy scrubs up pretty well, all things considered.

    60 is far too young to be dying of natural causes. (You can tell you are officially middle aged when 60 sounds young!)

  3. . . . blast from the past, I meant. I'm not dyslexic, just lazy.

  4. Ron had spent a lot of time drinking beer and had gained a lot of weight.
    He was almost obese when the Stooges reunited in 2003 and went back into the schedule of touring with a vengence. I saw them on Le Grand Journal here in France last year and I had a flash that it was only a matter of time before Ron wore himself out, but he went out doing what he loved.
    I didn't write in my post, but when I was a teen in Detroit, Iggy was obsessed with my sisters girlfriend. I knew him casually and ran into him from time to time over the years...I remember running into him after the collapse of the Stooges and he had retreated into hiumself, living at his parents home and mowing lawns for a living.
    Then he moved to Berlin and started to work with Bowie and reinvented himself.
    I saw him perform on Long Island...he was great, about 1979.
    The next time, I was walking on Ave. B and he recognized me and we discovered we were neighbors, living a block apart.
    I have to admit, he gives me a lot of inspiration in my struggle to keep myself in shape...

  5. Wow, what a cool story. Thanks for sharing that.

    I guess to go out doing something you love is better than the alternative.

    living at his parents home and mowing lawns for a living.

    lol- what a spinout that would be, having Iggy knock on the door to mow your lawn.
