Sunday, January 11, 2009

How To Make Your Car Run On Trash

So I found this great site, instructables and they have an incredible resource of step by step instructions, down loadable PDFs that cover just about any subject. High Tech, Low Tech, crafts, hardware projects. This one blew me away! A step by step illustrated guide to converting your car to run on garbage...gassification works with almost any carbon based type of trash. It's been around for many years and it was how the French powered their cars during WW2, when the Germans strictly rationed gasoline.
This Honda Accord with the incredibly steam punk apparatus is street legal in Berkely, California and is the car used in the instruction manual...pretty cool!


  1. California Gov. Schwartzeneger drives a Hummer that runs on cooking grease. Who stops at the greasy spoons for the fill-up was not revealed in the interview.

  2. I love trendy California.
