Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Want To Be Evil

Eartha Mae Kitt, who Orson Wells called "The Most Exciting Woman In The World" passed away on Christmas. She was born on January 17, 1927 on a cotton plantation near Columbia, South Carolina. She endured a very hard early life and excaped to New York and with her distinctive looks and voice, started making films in 1948.
She had a lot of memorable hit recordings, Let's Do It, Champagne Tastes, C'est si bon and of course, Santa Baby, which was here biggest selling record in 1953.
In a racially charged American entertainment scene, she was able to cross over and enjoy popularity in the black world and the white. She became fluent in French and went on to become a huge star in Europe.
Eartha debuted on stage as Helen of Troy in Orson Welles, Dr. Faustus. She made films that became classics in the black theaters and made her feature film debut with Sidney Poitier in Mark of the Hawk.
She became a true pop icon in the mid 60's when she became The Catwoman on the Batman series.
In 1968, she was invited to the White House by Lady Bird Johnson where she very publically spoke out against the war in Vietnam and ruined the luncheon and consequently found it very hard to work in America for many years.
In 1984, she found new fame as an iconic performer recording disco and found a new audience in a new generation of gay male fans.
I saw this piece on You Tube and thought that she was terrific.


  1. She was terrific. Thanks for that great video. She must have been over thirty at that the but looked half that.

  2. Man, all she has to do is one of those kittly cat growls....
    I have trouble imagining her in the context of our contemporary media world.
    How would she fit into the cookie cutter assembly line world of modern pop?
    It's time for a change!
