Saturday, January 03, 2009


A Holiday Weekend and long lost friends are showing up for visits. We just had a visit from friends from Paris who got lost trying to find the way here and we had to guide thme in by cell phone...third cow on the right, turn left at the busted tractor....
So, I'm posting some 1955 Carl Perkins. This is a great version of his hit Matchbox.
The Beatles were fans of Carl and Ringo sang Matchbox and George covered another big hit of his, Honey Don't.
Carl was on his way to becoming the biggest country/rock pioneer of the early days of Sun Records when his career was derailed by a tragic car accident in 1956. That happened right as is his iconic anthem, Blue Sueds Shoes was becoming a monster hit.
The accident took him out for a few years, but the mark he made on music was indelible.
In the 70's he started touring with his sons and I saw him quite a few times at The Bottom Line in New York City.
Carl died in 1988, but his classic songs will live on as long as people play guitars and have attitude.....Let's All Get Dixie Fried!

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