Friday, January 02, 2009

Lean Pipe Palin

What would your name be if Sarah Palin was your mommy?
I asked the Sarah Palin Name Generator and it told me Lean Pipe Palin....
What does it mean? I don't know, but neither do I know what to think of Trig, Track, Willow, Bristol or Piper Palin.
Go there, ask and let me know.....


  1. Clamp Noodle Palin! At least there is a bit of reality to it [the noodle part].

    Funny stuff. Always a hoot on the right-side of life.

  2. Axe Diesel Palin is mine. I forgot how grateful I am that she's no where near the Presidency. Happy 2009.

  3. Anonymous3:19 PM

    From Engineer of Knowledge,
    Hello All,
    Is it just me or has anyone else noted the irony of Sarah Palin’s grandchild being named TRIP?
    Sarah Palin’s new son-in-law, the young boy who knocked up her teenage daughter, the father of her new grandchild; his mother was just busted for dealing meth. Hummm, a grandmother who was arrested for meth and her grandchild named TRIP. You just can’t make this kind of stuff up.
