Friday, January 23, 2009

The Medieval Mind

South Carolina Republican State Senator Robert Ford is hoping to outlaw lewd language and is pushing for a bill that would prohibit profanity.

Under the pre-filed bill, profanity could land you in jail for up to 5 years and/or cost you up to $5,000 in fines.

Which words are exactly considered profane is still unclear, but the bill does have a list of qualifications for profanity including words or actions that are lewd, vulgar or indecent in nature.

More over, will the bill cover where it might be permissable to use profanity if the bill could actually define profanity?

Would the bill exempt the now ex president, Dick Cheney? Because if the bill was in fact enforcible, he would be a known repeat offender and have to be at least monitored, or would he be a "three strikes and your out" lifer? Would it exempt all the people swearing in disbelief that some dumbfuck could waste their tax dollars by being paid to come up with something as fucking stupid as this?

1 comment:

  1. What is wrong with these people? I'm apalled at the religious right and the conservative movement in America. My deepest hope is that it'll diminish now with Obama.
