Friday, January 23, 2009

The Moose Joke

So, I'm trying to finish a photoshop piece and I'm down to the last few details, flashy lettering, flipping photos, the works and the electricity goes out! And stays out for 6 hours! Too be fair, we had a big storm here today with 80 mph wind gusts...I lost some slate tiles off of the barn roof....
So when the power comes on about an hour and half photoshop piece is gone for good! I was furious, so furious that I just had to post this Woody Allen stand up routine from 1965. The Moose Joke.


  1. Great Woody video.

    I love hearing about your rural living conditions, often I can relate.

    Is it very beautiful there? Is it worth the drawbacks you often write about? That's how it is here, really.

  2. It's extremely beautiful here...
    It's hard for me to imagine living anywhere else now...
    We had another storm today that was bigger! You will probably hear about it on the news.
    My neighbor lost the roof of his house! I spent the late afternoon helping him tie tarps over the remains...the roof lifted off like a sail and ended flying up the hill into the road!

    I live in the NorthEastern Dordogne, almost in the Correze.

    What part of Italy do you live in...Rural or Urban?
