Monday, February 09, 2009

Everything's Cool, Just Chill, America and Remember, Vote Republican

This graph represents the rate and depth of job loss in the last 2 recessions compared to the present economic "event" we are now experiencing. As you can see, the green line, which represents our current position is now sinking into hitherto unknown and uncharted territory. The source for this graph is the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and was released Friday.

The economy is currently experiencing what may be the longest recession since the Great Depression and is edging closer to another depression. In his weekly video address yesterday, President Obama argued that “if we don’t move swiftly to put” his economic recovery plan “in motion, our economic crisis could become a national catastrophe.” Despite the seriousness of the moment, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) doesn’t like the stark language that Obama is using to describe the potential consequences of inaction, telling the New York Times that Obama is using “some dangerous words“:

“In discussing with the American people his approach to the stimulus of our economy, he has first really used some dangerous words,” said Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona, the No. 2 Republican. Mr. Kyl added, “It seems to me that the president is rather casually throwing out some careless language.”

This isn’t the first time that Kyl has complained about Obama’s choice of words. After the Inauguration, Kyl told an Arizona radio station that Obama’s speech was “low-brow” for proclaiming “an end to the petty grievances and false promises” of the Bush years.

Remember, Republicans are the ones that got us into this mess and They have to keep reminding us that they are the only ones who can get us out!


  1. This morning my wife hollered up to me, "John McCain is going to be on [TV] to talk about the stimulus."

    I shouted down, "Already heard his plan, not one bit interested!"

    Republicans have about as much credibility in the economic realm as the cleaning lady.

    They are righteous, though, as you have noted. Kyl is a hoot, isn't he? What a total clown!!

    It will be a rough week here in the states; enjoy your self over there.

    [my word verification is GALLIMPO; of the Gauls?]

  2. I'm glad to be removed from the problem, living in Europe. Yet, the world-wide repercussions do affect us too, but not like those working for IBM or GM.
