Saturday, February 07, 2009

Terje Rypdal

In this video, Terje Rypdal plays his unique 8 string Fender Stratocastor with a big band on Norwegian television. They do a version of Freddie Kings classic guitar instrumental Hideaway....

Terje has always been one of my favorite musicians. He was a pop star in Norway in the late 60's and then evolved into a very unique jazz artist. His music evolved as he began to write orchestrally. He has written a number of symphonies but always spends time performing with a small trio as well.
This video was a surprise to me as I have never seen him play a traditional piece of music in spite of his background as a rock musician.

The next piece is good example of what Terje does now in a small trio, this is the group he has been performing with for the last few years, bassist, Miroslav Vitous, who was the original bass player for Weather report and the Mongolian percussionaist,Trilok Gurtu...the Piece is titled, The Return of Per Ulv

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