Saturday, February 07, 2009


Last week, the ex vice president and delusional over lord of the dark realm of his paranoiac nether regions, declared that because of the policies of the Obama administration, America was leaving itself open to a terrorist attack of some kind, some where , some how and he wasn't going to take the blame.
In other words, he was pleading his case to the delusional wimps, the cowards who believe that the only way to keep America safe is to continue his programs of institutionalized torture operating day and night for their safety, comfort and peace of mind.
His attempt to defend himself against the human rights abuses that he has been accused of and the trashing of of the document we call our constitution in his failed quest for total control is a battle he must and will lose.

I used a popular image available on the internet from AP files to create this image. I hereby donate it to the Republican party to use on door mats, toilet paper, kitty litter box bottoms and paper coffee cups for 7/11 stores.
All I ask is any profits generated from sales of this image be donated to any Prosecute Cheney for Human Right Abuses fund.


  1. You know, microdot, as I began to scroll down the photo, I "got it" just as the eyebrows of the Devil were uncovered.

    "Diablo dos!"

  2. Every time I look at it, I get all tingly....
