Friday, February 06, 2009

Wall Street Reacts

Creeping Sociaslism! Things get rather ugly after Barack Obama demands a $500,000 cap for execs of corporations recieving fedeal bailout money!


  1. I guess that $500,000 limit sounds good to the joe-the-plumbers of the world, but it doesn't sound right to me. Some of those guys need more than that to maintain what to them is a normal lifestyle. And that's necessary for competition.

  2. Mike, by the way, I would think you understtand that the $500,000 cap is on execs working for corporation that have recieved federal bailout funds.

    I just heard today that this announcement has already spurred on major financial institution to pay back the money so they would not be bound by this rule.

    This is not "creeping socialism".

  3. That would be Goldman-Sachs

  4. The govt dictating salary caps for private industry sure isn't free market either is it? The market, education, experience and record of success should dictate executive compensation. Not the government!

  5. Yeah, but do you want executives using the moey from your tax dollars to keep their floundering businesses afloat to reward themselves while they are using the money from the bailout ot do business?
    The only other caps are those thta the administration imposed on itself, which seems like a good example.
    If they were giving themselves raises at this time, you'e sure be singin out of the other side of you mouth.
