Monday, April 13, 2009

Time For A Break...

In 24 hours, I will be in Detroit for the first time in quite a few years, so this will be the last post for about 2 weeks, unless I get inspired and try to do a remote post.
It's very hard for me to imagine leaving my life here in the beginning of spring. There is so much to do and I know when I return the lawn will have turned into an ungrazed pasture. I will get back just in time to start on the vegetable garden. The potatoes are all ready in and the first strawberries ar3e actually forming.
So, what can I leave you all with?
Here's some music from a very odd but oh so right transatlantic collaboration called The Solution. The name of the song is Will Not Be Televised. The Solution is a band that revolves around the members of a Swedish Band called The Hellacopters. These crazy Swedes somehow have become Detroiters through a decade long struggle to keep the spirit of the great Detroit bands of the 60's, 70's and 80's alive. They covered the MC5 and Wayne Kramer ended up playing with them. Now, they have morphed into The Solution and this is a 2008 release. The singer is Scott Morgan, who was the lead singer of the great unknown white punk soul band of the 60's from Ann Arbor, The Rationals. He went on to sing for years with the other guitarist of the MC5, Fred Smith in his Sonic Rendezvous Band. Scott still is a vocal white soul powerhouse and keeps performing. This song is pretty cool as it really captures the sound of an era and keeps it fresh into another century.

A bientot!


  1. have a safe trip home.


  2. Bring your winter coat, hat and gloves. Thirty-eight and rain. Later in the week it will get to the 60's.

    Safe trip, Microdot.

  3. Hellacopters, Detroit, MC5: high octane.

  4. High Octane, indeed...
    I am currently inhaling the fumes!

  5. Anonymous8:16 AM

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  6. Oy - if you get to Toledo email me for a cup of coffee - my treat. mbrooks AT utnet DOT utoledo DOT edu

  7. your humor is sorely missed at PP

  8. I listened to these guys, I kind of like them, thanks for posting :)
