Friday, May 01, 2009


Yes, I'm back in France after an exciting whirlwind tour of SouthEastern Michigan and NorthWest Ohio. I spent a lot of time on a bike. I had forgotten the joy of riding on flat roads...I also, in my quest for cheap flights, completely screwed myself. I flew on British Air. They seem to try, but if you go to London and have connecting flights from Gatwick to Heathrow or vice versa, they neglect to mention that the only way to travel the 60 miles distance is the National Coach Bus Service and it's almost 18 Pounds each round trip discount and if you don't fly British Air, it's even more! (18 Pounds is way over 30 Dollars US!)
Then there was the little matter of taking the train to Bordeaux to catch my flight, and the train getting delayed by signal trouble...needless to say, I missed the check in for my flight and got there after a frantic expensive cab ride from Le Gare St. Jean in Bordeaux just as the plane was leaving...
The ensuing charge for rebooking...having to sleep on a bench in Heathrow...getting rousted by the Cops at 4 am...good thing that I'm still a teen ager, this kind of stuff could kill a guy my age!

I had an uneventful trip on the way back and it sure smells sweet here and the grass sure grew, but it's full blown spring and I'm happy to be home.
Here's a video of Serge Gainsbourg live at The Zenith in Paris in 1989 performing, You're Under Arrest! This is late period Gainsbourg...the entry on stage, taking time to light a cigarette leisurely, the sheer attitude...


  1. Ugh, sounds like a nightmare.

  2. Glad to have you back at the blogging station. What's on your mind worthy of the keyboard adventure?

  3. Welcome back. I saw the other post first.

    We've had a couple spring-like days here, but it's still a little cold and damp.

    Did you see any gun play when you were in the States? I need a reality check. Talking to these pro-gun guys all the time is distorting my perception of the U.S. And the news doesn't help either.
