Monday, December 07, 2009


Publish Post

Here's more news you probably didn't see insids the American information bubble.
Latest estimates are of 2.5 million protestors in Rome this last Saturday, December 5, 2009. A very heavily promoted World No Berlusconi Day took place in European capitals such as Brussels and Amsterdam. The event was promoted on the internet with some great music recorded by Italian artists.

The video in this post was posted only hours ago (5:30 pm Central European Time) It is one of hundreds that are being posted as I write on YouTube by Italians who participated in this event. This was a grand protest, the art, the expression, the emotion in full display as only the Italians are capable of!

You aren't going to see Berlusconi in Copenhagen much. He is on trial, the first of many trials pn criminal charges that he will face in the next year. Last month an Italian law was ruled unconstitional that had shielded him for years.
The first trial already has burst open the wall that he has hidden behind to obscure his mafia connections. He was linked to a very notorious murder of an Italian anti mob prosecuting judge.

Berlusconi at Copenhagen would be an insult in any event. His governments collusion with criminal and industrial interests that have run rampant polluting Italy, the Mediterrenean and the Somali Coast is being exposed.
Italy can and must be forced by the rest of the world to do better than Silvio Berlusconi.

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