Monday, December 07, 2009

uhhh...Climate Gate...Yeah, Sure...That's The Ticket!

The book cover on the left is of A fascinating essay about how big business, working alongside Hill & Knowlton, among others, manufactured fake doubt about the link between tobacco and cancer, the danger of CFCs to the ozone lawyer, and now climate change. It's long, comprehensive, and very good.
In the days and months leading up to the Copenhagen Climate Conferece, the incidents of break ins and attempted infiltrations occurring in the offices and facilities of leading Climate Change Researchers reached a fever pitch.

You can read about the reported incidents in Canada, here. In recent days, it has beciome apparent that the Canadians are hedging on their commitment to firm action on Climate Issues. Canada has a lot invested in the production of oil from their great Middle Western eserve of Oil Sands, unfortunately, this prioduction technique is one of the most polluting and ecologicall destructive ways to obtain oil. The alliance of the Canadian Government and the Oil Companies involved have a lot to lose if they are not allowed to contine to exploit this resource.

Climate Gate? Let's look at where those "leaked" emails were disseminated from. First, the very statement that they were leaked is patently false. They were stolen, high jacked private email conversations between researchers. The material was then combed through for any statement that could be reinterpreteted out of context to appear as if the Climate Change researchers were fudging and hyping data.
Today in The UK Independant comes the story that the emails were highjacked by the Russian Secret Service and the hackers who stole them were located in the once closed city of Tomsk, in Siberia.

Why would the Russians hack the emails and release them? The same reason the Canadian Climate Change researchers facilities are being compromised. The Petro chemical industry stands to lose billions if the status quo regarding the use of oil and gas are questioned at this time. The links between this activity and Exxon -Mobil are becoming more and more documented as the action heats up.
Call it Climate Gate? Yeah...sure...Climate Gate...that's the ticket.......


  1. The world of delusion, operated by miscreants, bamboozlers, and charlatans, always snags the stupid folks, the unlearned sponges, who sop it up and wring out the crap onto others they meet.

    That's the game; that's what has been happening for generations and generations all throughout history.

    There is always that large group of dolts in every society who are easily duped, easily scammed- malleable minds ripe for propaganda.

    The ignorance gene is dominant and virulent and easily spread from one generation to the next, Just look at the American South for a clear example. Head to the Appalachians for a direct example of inherited ignorance.

    Yes, Microdot, the human race seems to be plagued by those willing to live their lives in the World of Delusion and Ignorance. And, conversely, there is always a group of degenerates who will use them as robotic, mindless puppets to screw others for personal gain.

  2. JimSteele5:16 PM

    I have worked to better the environment through education and research at SF State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus. I think our most important issue is fixing wetlands. And for that we need government help. However I have become increasingly skeptical of CO2 induced warming. I tried to engage Mann’s RealClimate website in debate but often had posts deleted, or have a post attacked and then denied posting any replies. So I know first hand some of these scientists are willing to manipulate the appearance of science.

    I am a skeptic who sees a recent warming trend which CO2 probably has some small impact. But I do not think natural variability has been well modeled. And the current warming may be no different than the Medieval warm period. What AGW proponents push is a perception of the hockey stick where past temperatures were stable and slightly cooling and only recently rapidly increase. It creates an illusion that the Medieval Warm period and Little Ice Age never happened. However their proxies used to create the hockey stick graph of temperatures did not withstood the test of time. Their proxies showed a decline these past 50 years when observation said it has increased. This called into question the hockey stick and is why they felt they “must hide the decline”. The clearest article showing how Jones and Mann tried to misrepresent the past climate and mislead the public by "hiding the decline" has been written by Marc Sheppard. A must read that is well documented! Go to

  3. Look at a chart that corrolates median temp with the rise in atmospheric CO2.. The rise in both are practically lockstep.

    Charts don't lie or propagandize.

  4. Steve, Jim, I have been looking at charts and reports for the last 20 years. I agree that wetlands are very important and part of the problem...if you had read my piece on the artificial glacier project in northern India, you would have seen a first hand report from an engineer/scientist on the frontlines in the Himalayas coming up with solutions to cope withthe present catastrophe in motion.
    Steve, you say charts don't lie and in this case, I agree with the charts you quote. On the other hand, I tend to suspect the pick and choose your data approach that Jim is serving up.
    At this point in time, I tend to suspect anyone who takes the time to write a refutation of global warming data not being totally hionest about where their impetus comes from.
    At this point in my life, I have gathered information and made my own observations and see everyday that we are approaching a tipping point, if not already past it....

    To deny global warming can only be an excuse to continue the status quo. How can anyone deny the need to change the way we live on this planet?
    That's why, it's time to stop playing mind and word games with deniars. They have their own forums to spout their excuses and manipulated arguments and play their give them credence is to give them the attention and too much power...
    It's time to act or get out of the way.

  5. One more frickin did you stumble onto my blog anyway?
    You frickin make it your business to monitor this stuff you can refer me to your "American Thinker"...(Now that's about as suspect as a name as Icould have imagined if I was writing a parody) webpage where as I saw, its full of hashed up data presented as pseudo facts with your cherry picked "information".
    I do not have time for you and this is another blog you can whine about being unfair to you...
    You're getting paid for this abuse anyway....

  6. Hello Jim Steel,
    I am Engineer Of Knowledge and I do have a science degree. Please read the facts below.

    There are those that make the statement that they do not believe in global climate change yet there are plenty of images and factual documentation of the ice sheets melting and falling into the ocean at both ice capped poles. The polar bears are loosing their habitat at a very rapid pace endangering their survival as a species.

    With this posting, I will be presenting examples on how you are being misled, (or the misleader) with information propagated by the hydro-carbon related industries i.e. Natural Gas, Coal, Gasoline, etc.

    Let’s review the documented facts below:

    Letter to Exxon Mobil from the U.K. Royal Society, September 4, 2006
    “At our meeting in July, I also told you of my concerns about the support that ExxonMobil has been giving to organizations that have been misinforming the public about the science of climate change. You indicated that ExxonMobil would not be providing any further funding to these organizations.”

    Senators Rockefeller and Snowe Letter to ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson. October 27, 2006
    “We are convinced that ExxonMobil’s longstanding support of a small cadre of global climate change skeptics, and those skeptics’ access to and influence on government policymakers have made it increasingly difficult for the United States to demonstrate the moral clarity it needs across all facets of its diplomacy.”

    Article by Jeffrey Ball in “The Wall Street Journal,” January 11, 2007
    ExxonMobil has announced that they were no longer going to fund the organizations like the, “Competitive Enterprise Institute” and six other groups that have been active in the misleading and fabrication of misinformation related in the global climate change debate.

    Now in conclusion to reiterate the above articles, ExxonMobil’s campaign to fund “think tanks” and organizations that have fabricated and spread misinformation about the scientific facts and policies of global warming is now widely known. ExxonMobil’s multimillion dollar campaign has undoubtedly contributed to public confusion and government inaction on global warming over the past decade, especially over the last eight years of the George W. Bush / Dick Cheney administration. Under increasing scrutiny and pressure over the past two years from scientists, policy makers and the public, the company was forced to reveal that they had stopped funding a handful of organizations identified as part of the company’s denial campaign on global warming.

    It has also come to light that despite the rhetoric, ExxonMobil continues to fund the majority of the organizations which have been central to the global warming denial campaign that the company has run for the past 10 years or more.

    So when you hear someone parroting the, “I don’t believe in that global warming crap,” ask them how if feels to be one of ExxonMobil’s stoogie bitches. At least those who are part of the fabricated false sciences being transmitted on conservative radio / television are getting paid for it. These other poor bastards that are passing on this misinformation without really understanding or knowing the science involved about the subject…are doing it for free.

  7. I thought that now would be a good time to pass on how to explain global warming when confronted by someone who has only heard conservative talk radio / television tout that the experts are still undecided on this issue. This is understandable because I have seen many articles simplifying the issue by referring to the carbon dioxide as a problem when burning coal, oil, or natural gas.

    First let’s start with the basics. The ozone layer acts like a giant sunshade, protecting living things from much of the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. When you stay out too long without a shirt in the summer, you get a sun burn. A very bad sunburn is sometimes call “sun poison” but it is really radiation poisoning.

    The fact is that you get carbon monoxide (one carbon atom and one oxygen atom) when you burn any of the hydro-carbon fuels. Example, the person who wants to commit suicide pulls the car into the garage, closes the door while leaving the car running. It is the carbon monoxide that will poison you to death.

    Some of these carbon monoxides get into the upper atmosphere where the ozone layer is. Ozone (three oxygen atoms) has a very week electromagnetic attraction. It is the sun’s light ray’s energy radiation that separates the three oxygen atoms apart allowing the atoms drift around until they are drawn back together again as ozone or to link up to other molecules making up new substances. (Electricity, light, radio waves, and radiation are the same energy. It is the frequency of the energy that decides). When one of these oxygen atoms is electromagnetically linked to the carbon-monoxide molecule, it then becomes carbon-dioxide (one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms). This molecule has a very strong electromagnetic attraction that now is much harder for the sun’s rays to break apart. It is the accumulation of carbon-dioxide in the upper atmosphere that is getting into the dangerous levels which means less ozone to carbon dioxide ratio that has protected the earth like it has for millions of years. Bottom line is that this is just simple Chemistry 101.

    Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s upper atmospheres causing the temperatures to rise.

    Now I have been asked if trees and plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen and why is the carbon dioxide a problem. My first reply is that this does happen in the Troposphere (closest to earth). The problem is that we are not growing trees that are seven miles tall to remove it from the Ozone layer this way.

    The vast majority of scientists agree that global warming is real, it is already starting to happen and that it is the result of our activities and not a natural occurrence. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. We are already seeing changes. Glaciers are melting, plants and animals are being forced from their habitat, and the number of severe storms and droughts are increasing.

  8. I saw a report in "sciencedaily" that.. well read for yourself:

    This University of Utah scientist says that global warming is unstoppable because it is a mathematic algorithm built upon the sum total of civilization. The product of human civilization is basically a heat engine.

  9. I have read a few comments from top climate change researchers that say they hope the Copenhagen talks do fail...a shocking statement from thise who are the prime supporters of the theories of human industrial induced climate change...
    Why would they say such a thing?
    Because the compromises and the facile solutions that will be adopted by the Conference will not begin to address the real problems in a real time frame.

    By the way, did anyone catch the Saudi Delegate bringing up the "Cliamte Gate" emails and demanding an international investigation.
    He claims the United Nations is too compromised by climate change zombies to police itself...

    The Saudis? The Russians? The Canadian Conservatives? When the status quo, the profits are threatened, then they start the noise machine full blast.
    Mr. Steele has a lot of wealthy friends.
