Saturday, January 02, 2010


The unbelievably shocking story of the thing called "Rush Limbaugh" is coming to theaters near you soon. What is he really? Where did he come from? What does he want? Why are people "compelled" to listen to him? Now, for the first time, you can learn the TRUTH! See how he was created by scientists in a laboratory in a garage outside of Fresno, California. Learn how the brain in a guppy tank became so powerful that it made its creators mindless zombies who were compelled to fulfill his "perverted desires". The thrilling nauseating horror will fascinate you!  
You may watch, but try, try, try not to obey....



  1. Hello Microdot,
    I can’t make up my mind if this movie is more like a remake of the 1958 The Blob. Remember when The Blob follows Steve, Jane, and her little brother into the diner and The Blob engulfs the whole diner. After all, what would be more appropriate than Gush Lardbottom being portrayed as a nondescript lump of pudding consuming everything it comes across?

    On the other hand I can see the move taking scenes from a Doctor Who episode with the Daleks. Daleks were mutated descendents of the Kaleds of the planet Skaro. They fought the intellectual “Time Lords” in the Last Great Time War, resulting in the almost total destruction of both races. In one episode, the Doctor described the Daleks as "little green or pinkish blobs” in a bonded polycarbide armor. The interior mutant brain blob which was the true Dalek, hated everything that was not a Dalek.

    The Daleks just wheeled around and repeated mindlessly, “"EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!" Due to their wheels gliding motion, the Daleks were notoriously unable to tackle stairs, which made them easy to overcome. Yes, those of intellectual thought can easily overcome "little green or pinkish blob brains” with the non-thinking single mindlessness of LIB-ER-AL A-GEN-DA! LIB-ER-AL A-GEN-DA!

    Of course I could also see there would have to be a bit of Rocky Horror Picture Show where the lead character is not of this earth and is all dressed up in garter belts and thigh highs stockings, with a bustier bra. Much like the over conservative J. Edgar Hoover, I can see Gush secretly into the same thing only more feminine.

    Even at its best…I’ll probably wait until is comes out on late night LAME TV re-runs which should only be about one week after release.

  2. Actually, the inspiration was a 1950's movie called Donovans Brain which was the last movie that a certain B Movie starlet ever made before changing her name to Nancy Reagan.
    It's bad but its' so good.
    Nancy Davis plays the good nurse who is mind controlled by the brain in the fish tank.....

  3. Nancy always was drawn to those “B” rated scripts and actors.
