Monday, January 04, 2010

Gold Plated Jesus

On January 1, the Irish Government enacted an anti-blasphemy law. A person breaks the law by saying or publishing anything "grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion."

The punishment is a 25,000 Euro fine. Of course, there are the usual qualifiers, stating that if the statement can be proven to hold artisitc or philosophical merit, then it can stand, but the burden of proof?

This is a serious repressive breach of the ideals of Free Speech and a big step backwards for a lately very progressive Irish Republic. It represents a victory for the Irish Catholic Church at a time when the moral underpinnings of this institution have been exposed as a rotting worm eaten perverse foundation.

The Irish Atheists have set up a web site with 25 blasphemous quotations which would violate the law as it now stands. The authors of the quotations range from Christ, Pope Benedict VI, Frank Zappa, Bjork, Mohammed and more..
The Irish Atheists call for the repeal of the law and a separation of Church and state and the removal of all references to Christianity and religion from the Irish Constitution.
The blogger, known as Urban Underclass, Rory Stafford composed this fine piece of music called Gold Plated Jesus which he has just released. Check out Rory's blog, BLOG OF BLOGS to see more of his music and band, Firehorses and his writing. He is located in Wexford, Ireland.
I really like this brutal direct poetically sloppy as shit piece...
This law will collapse under the weight of its own hypocrisy!


  1. [this is my 2nd attempt to write a coherent and grammatically correct comment]

    I think these Irish christian zealots would be happier if they would emigrate to South Carolina where the weather is warmer and where the love of all things religious trumps democracy.

    Surely, in a few years, the accent of South Carolinians would be much more easily understood, if nothing else.

    Actually, I'm hoping that South Carolina will secede from the Union once again and the other 49 don't care.

  2. Mudrake, I read your first comment and it was grammatically correct and coherent...perhaps you don't realize that the super powers I gave you include auto proof reading and correction abilities....
    May the farce be with you!
