Tuesday, January 05, 2010


The Republican Senator from Michigan, Peter Hoekstra is now revving up his campaign to become Governor of that State. As a Detroiter now observing from afar, I have been watching this opportunistic buffoon use conservative fear and outrage as a means to political power.

Hoekstra and The ex Republican Senator from Pennsyvania were responsible in 2003 for the hoax claim that they had discovered the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, validating  in their minds, the Iraqi Invasion.
He is using fear of terrorists to scare Michigan residents regarding the closure of Guantanamo Prison and the possible lucrative transfer of prisoners to Michigan facilities.

Of course, we have all just witnessed his grandstanding and media attention grabbing ploy of second guessing and claiming to have the real info on the Christmas Day Underwear Bomber at Metro Airport in Detroit. He has used this as a blatant attempt to fund raise  and create a buzz for his gubernatorial campaign.

He's been wrong on foreign affairs and national security for years, yet he sits at the ehad of a Senate Committee...Now he sees the governorship of Michigan as a launch pad for his Presidential ambitions.

He will be stopped and the people of Michigan are in the position to drive a stake through the heart of his ambition. Check out this very popular website, petehoekstra.com....
It seems that Pete never registered his name as an internet domain and some very crafty independant anonymous bloggers who claim to be aligned with neither the Democrats or Republicans set up this intelligent opposition blog to tell the truth about Peter Hoekstra.
It's been getting a lot of press these days and I would recommend petehoekstra.com as a great source of news about Michigan Gubernatorial politics and the facts about Peter Hoekstra!
extra added bonus update! 
Check it out! Here is a report of the hackery if the link to Ahmadinejads site is busy...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Microdot,
    I am glad to see the intelligent blog community facing the “Terrible Teens” decade and prove that we are more focused and committed as ever in spite of whatever stupidity lies in our path. GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!
