Monday, March 22, 2010

Massive Internet Debacle

My posting will be spotty over the next few days. We are experiencing multiple rural internet problems. I think I have to get a new ADSL Box, and the lines are down from a wall collapse. The good news is that the mason finally arrived today to tell us that the work will begin.
More good news, the Sarkozy UMP  government suffered a historic defeat in the regional elections yesterday. Almost all of France went to the Left. Sarko issued a statement saying that he knew he had  been a bad boy and now he was going to be good. LIAR!
I am just lerning about the passage of the Helath Reform Bill in the House yesterday...more good news!


  1. Hope your 'connection to the world' aka Internet will be fixed soon and well.

    America also turned 'left' yesterday with the passage of health care.

    Good for France! Good for America!
    Good for the World!

  2. Hello Micodot,
    I too want to chime in with Muddy's, "Good for France," "Good for America" because the whole world bennifets. This is truly a blessing from the Holy Oak Tree and Big Holy Rock.....Holy Oak Tree and Big Holy Rock bless us everyone.

    I hope all goes well with you today my friend.

  3. Crap internet can happen anywhere. I hope you're back up soon.
