Saturday, March 20, 2010

The First Day Of Spring

Suddenly, everything changed. There was no frost in the valley this morning. I see green buds on the raspberries. The willow tree is begining to look sappy yellowish green, it seems to be glowing and the biggest miracle was Dede coming by on his ancient Renault Tractor and asking of we were ready to have our potager turned over.
Even though this has been a very cold winter and we certainly have had enough rain, the ground, for the first time in years was ready this early in the season to be worked. In fact, everywhere I go here, farmers are turning over their ground.
I just planted another 30 strawberry plants and bought a bag of spunta potatoes. I will plant a row of my own potatoes from last year, We have onions and parsley, eternal celery and rhubarb coming up. I think the artichokes survived the big freeze, we shall see....
Now I have to go and tune up the lawn mower, I hear grass growing.....


  1. I think that we have another couple of days before it is actually spring (the passing of the equinox).

    That said, I'm not putting out any new plants in the window boxes. My mom who lives North of here said that they were still predicting snow.

    I'll wait until later in April before planting.

  2. Good for you, Microdot! Enjoy the fact that Mother Nature never allows her children to suffer too much.
