Friday, March 19, 2010

What If They Gave A Tea Party And Nobody Showed Up?

On March 16th, the final protest of the Faux News Tea Party Rodeo Clown Promotional Movement against Health Care Reform took place in Washington. The pre protest estimates by Faux News claimed tens of thousands would be there. The day of the protest, only 300 or so could make it. Desole.
Unfortunately, the circus came to town the same day.
This video is incredible as it seems to be a very honest attempt to document the protestors and have them actually state their case. Does any of this make any sense to you? Honestly?
The film makers were a group of under graduate college journalism students who make docu-films under the name NEW LEFT MEDIA. They are Chase Whiteside, Eric Stoll and Zac Sleeth. They are totally self funded and this video alone proves that they deserve your support. Check out the YouTube page for more info!


  1. Hello Microdot,
    This was a great posting and just viewing it today just made life better. One thing the Democrats must realize is that none of the Teabaggers voted for them in the past, will not vote for them now, nor will they vote for them in any future elections. DON”T let this radical group, that even the real mainstream Republicans have a cautious eye on them due to their extremeness, give them cause to be concerned for voting what is RIGHT for the U.S. now.

    The Teabaggers are a joke, a Circus Act of Outrage, and in the major scheme of things will not have any lasting longevity. Teabaggers will just be a pimple’s bump full of puss on the Political Ass of the Republican Party.

    Thank you again for passing this clip onto the rest of us. Good Job!!

  2. I can never watch these things.. it's just too painful.

  3. Hello Microdot my friend,
    It is 10:51PM EST and it has just been announced that the House has just passed the Health Care Reform Bill 219 to 212. Not one Republican voted for it but it has been passed. I hope all citizens will remember that it was the Republicans did not think that the working class citizens do not deserve health care.

  4. The tea turned rancid and was declared unfit for human consumption!

    The Rodeo Clown and the Drugster are both in a catatonic state but will recover in time to scare their listeners one more time today.
