Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Bless Helen Thomas

I got this message in an email from an old friend today, and I have to say I heartily wish Helen Thomas the best. Her comments about Israel were the unspeakable thoughts that mnay people agree with. I haven't been a supporter of Israel since I was brainwashed as a child seeing Exodus. Then the reality set in.
So Helen made her comment, every pro Israeli group was trying to trump each others outrage and she was thrown under the bus. Pretty easy to throw an 89 year old woman under the bus, but why can't we use the same outrageometer that went off the scale with Madame Thomas's remarks on some of the younger males who outrage us every day...Like Rand Paul who just outraged even himself, I think, by comparing himself to Martin Luther King?  There is just something a littel more than obscene about comparing the Fallen Civil Rights Giant and the struggle for racial equality to his valiant struggle to allow smoking in restaurants.

It’s time for Pat Buchanan to retire, too. Why can't we throw him under a bus?

Despite a decades-long track record of offensive comments about … well, nearly everybody, Buchanan continues to write columns and appear as a commentator on MSNBC.

During his time in public life, Buchanan has defended Adolf Hitler -- repeatedly. He has peddled Holocaust denial claims and compared suspected Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk to Jesus Christ.

Buchanan has reminisced fondly about his childhood in segregated Washington, DC, and complained that “Old heroes like ... Robert E. Lee are replaced by Dr. King." He wrote that “integration of blacks and whites” was likely to result in “perpetual friction, as the incapable are placed … side by side with the capable.” Buchanan's anti-integration views were so hard-core, even Richard Nixon characterized Buchanan’s them as “segregation forever.” When 67 blacks were shot to death by South African police, Buchanan dismissed the massacre as “a few South African whites mistreating a couple of blacks.” In 1989, Buchanan defended Bob Jones University’s ban on interracial dating. 1989!

In 1983, Buchanan wrote that "homosexuals ... have declared war on nature, and now nature is exacting an awful retribution." (During his 1992 presidential campaign, he stood by that view, insisting "AIDS is nature's retribution for violating the laws of nature.") He has compared gays to alcoholics.

So Why Is This Guy Still Waddling Around In The Don't Walk Zone While Helen Thomas Is Under The Wheels Of The AIPAC EXPRESS?


  1. I hadn't read the piece on Helen Thomas. She is one of the very few old-time reporters who dares to ask the hard, poignant questions of the charlatans who pose as public officials.

    Hats off to her and a deep bow as well!!

  2. revere4:47 AM

    Helen's comment was sarcastic but spot on. As a Jew with an American passport and citizenship I have more of a right to live in Palestine than Palestinians. This is absurd and is the burden of Helen's comment.Your comment about Pat Buchanan is also spot on. Good on you, Microdot. Where's my blog now that I need it!

  3. Yeah, Revere? Where's your blog now that we need it?
    I have your address in the sidebar because I think even the foot print of your blog is so important!
    If you ever revive Effect Measure, I will do all I can to let the rest of the world know that you are back!

  4. Thanks for a wonderful post. I like what you said about Ms. Thomas and the comparison you drew with the silly Buchanan.

  5. Ms. Thomas should be encouraged. Unfortunately, the Zionist crowd wants her head.

    The other amusing bit is that Buchanan is a fundamenalist, and probably a Christian Zionist.

    Now, doesn't that make a great deal of sense?

    Revere, and the Christian zionists wish you would move to Israel because they want you to move to the Middle Eastern ghetto so that you will convert to Christianity, or fry in the coming apocalypse.

  6. Laci, I believe you misinterpreted Reveres comment.
    He was making, I believe an ironic statement regarding to the legal status he would have as an Jewish American emigrating to Israel.
    He would have more of a legal right to exist there than a native Palestinian who was born there.
