Monday, June 07, 2010

Meet The Bushies

I'm still totally disgusted with Ohio's ambulatory human outhouse,  Rep Congressman, John Boehner and his demand that Paul McCartney apologize to America for his mild remark insulting George Bush's intelligence. The day he made the  remark about Bush not knowing what a library was, our ex president was in Kalamazoo being paid to have his sphincter polished at a Kiwanis Club speaking engagement. In his speech, Bush admitted that his administration sanctioned waterboarding and he would do it again if he had the chance.
This might have been the first time he actually admitted the use of torture in a public forum and it still is only a hint of what really was approved from the top.

Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) today released evidence it says indicates that the Bush administration conducted "illegal and unethical human experimentation and research" on detainees' response to torture while in CIA custody after 9/11. The group says such illegal activity would violate the Nuremburg Code, and could open the door to prosecutions. Their report is based on publicly available documents, and explores the participation of medical professionals in the CIA's "enhanced interrogation program." Download the full report at
The report documents the treatment of prisoners, the monitoring of techniques designed to mask the physical evidence and the involvement of physicians.
It also reveals the way these studies went way beyond controled "experiments".

(in the event that you aren't familiar with my source for the illustration, in 1965, the Beatles released a record called Yesterday and Today. The original cover had the boys posed with dismembered dolls in bloody butchers smocks. The record shipped and was recalled immediately. Only a few of the original covers were seen by the public. Many were just pasted over with a new safe cover. So this is sort of my revenge. By the way, Mr. Boehner, I have never claimed to be a "classy fellow") 

1 comment:

  1. Very funny Beatles cover, and much more appropriate than the original with those true butchers.

    I don't know if you read Phuck Politics, but he wrote a wonderful post yesterday calling for Holder to arrest Bush.
