Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Dinner In La Sechere

les maigrets raw, with the fat side scored
in the fire place
perfect, rare...let them sit for a minute
a table!
That was the plan, maigrets de canard, broiled on the fireplace grill with pommes de terre saute aux girolles and a nice garlicky salad...The trick is not to over cook them. They have to be rare. I served them with a bowl of our home made fig and hazelnut confiture. The potatoes came from my garden and the girolles came from the forest at the end of the road.....


  1. My son would LOVE that meal as he is a 'rare earthy' kind of chef. Did the wood in the fireplace add its taste to the meat?

    What is 'fig and hazelnut confiture'?

  2. Yes, indeed. I used a mix of chestnut and hornbeam sticks to get coals...I think that is what it is in english. Here it is charme.
    Confiture is Jam.
    I have 2 huge fig trees. Fig Jam is not too sweet and a very nice accompaniment to wild meats and duck.
    I also have many hazelnut trees so, we roast the nuts, crush them and add a little hazelnut oil to the jam when we make it.
    If you have never eaten duck breast, a nice big maigret is like steak. I like it better than steak. It comes from big male Barbary Ducks which are the size of geese.
    The mushrooms were yellow girolle (chantrelles) and came from our forest.
    I didn't post the dessert...perhaps a separate post.
