Sunday, December 26, 2010

wOrd deceMber 26, 2010 HEY FEEDJIT!

This is actually in response to something called feedjit who informed me that my blog wasn't acceptable or something or other...I think they are trying to get me to pay for their service but I informed them to eliminate all information they had regarding me and if they think about snooping around here and checking me out again, the above message has been custom designed by me just for them! Actually, it would make a great tattoo......hmmmmmmmmm........


  1. Some of us have made a life of being considered "unacceptable", so don't sweat it!

    If you're not acceptable, why would they want your money???


  2. I was puzzled as to why they thought I was trying to join feedjit...I wanted to be a fan of another site and when I linked to it, it must have started some kind of process, culminating in their rude...sob...rejection of my blog...
    This unaceptable thing started when I was very young...I have always found self esteem in being considered a bad influence.
    Ohh, I'm Bad....I'm Bad!

  3. Perhaps that tatoo could be appliede to their forehead!

  4. actually either buttock would work just fine....

  5. Chin up, microdot... you wouldn't want to join any club that would have you for a member, right?

    BTW, the magic word I have to type in to get this posted is the word "squat"... how appropriate!
