Sunday, January 02, 2011


Name               ....................................
Occupation      ....................................
Residence        ....................................
Age (optional) ....................................

Where would you like your body or its remains to spend the rest of eternity? 
If a monument or marker were to be placed to indicate the site  of your remains,
what would it be, and what would you like it to say?
Is there anything in particular you'd like to wear or take with you?

Thank You for taking my survey,


  1. I'm not sure I want to hasten this conversation, but here goes.
    Bob "Squatlo" Timmerman
    Dazed and Confused Photographer
    Murfreesboro, Tennessee
    56 years

    If my wishes are followed I'll be cremated, and my ashes will be dusted out (ala Big Lebowski) into the Little Pigeon River in the Greenbriar area of the Great Smoky Mountains (despite regulations against such littering)

    Any marker would be inappropriate, but if I had one it should read, "Never Voted for a Republican"

  2. well, my survey was more of an artistic statement of sorts...i really didn't expect answers, but it is interesting,,,
    Microdot (patrick)
    artist, itinerant musician, assorted other self inflicted pastimes
    Badefols d'Ans, France
    60 years

    I expect to be cremated and my remains encased in a rather embarrassing piece of lawn sculpture...preferably an x rated garden dwarf which must be handed down as a family heirloom.
    "Don't Touch That Dwarf! It's your great uncle, Microdot!"

  3. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Name: Dave Ozonoff
    Occupation: teacher
    Residence: Cambridge, MA
    Age: 68

    I told my wife to burn me to reduce volume and then dump me down the toilet. She says she won't. Fact, is, I'll be dead so it doesn't matter. I won't exist any more.

  4. Name: Raker of the Mud

    Occupation: bon vivant, plumber, gardner and writer

    Residence: Toledo, OH

    Age: soixante-neuf

    Scatter my ashes from a rowboat over our favorite lake.
