Friday, January 14, 2011


Goran Bregrovic, the Serbian composer, shows us why tea baggin' Americans are just wimps when it comes to lovin' their semi automatic weapons...Bregovic, born in Belgrade in 1950, had a rock band, Biejelo dugme, he began to compose film scores and has worked extensibly with Emir Kosturica, Iggy Pop and Cesar Evoria. I chose this version of Kalishnikov because Goran introduces it in English and has a little to say about Serbians and their guns.


  1. I'd like it if it made it clearer that the gun totin' types were counterproductive to a civil society.

    The US is the only non-third world country where people own as many guns. You see similar amounts of gun possession in Yemen (which comes in just after the USA for civilian gun posesion), Iraq, and Afghanistan.

    Will people in the US get their act together?

  2. I posted this and then though of cross posting this on mudrakes blog...I have to find my password..I thought our little buddy, Gilligan, who spent time in Kosovo might get a little home sick after hearing this.
    One of my best friends, who is a Jewish American, living a very difficult existence in Krakow, Poland sent me this song back in 2000. Bregovic immediately became one of my very favorite all time composers!

  3. Gilligan did and made a stupid comment.

  4. well of course he did and if he didn't, wouldn't we all be very worried....?

  5. "The US is the only non-third world country where people own as many guns."

    And also still a country where the government can't rule by decree and make it's own rules as it goes along.
    But, oddly most 3rd world countries who are on par with your political beliefs have been dependent on the gun toting American's tax dollars and assistance for their very survival for the last 100 years!
    Wow! Freedom seems to work pretty well!

  6. "On par with my political beliefs"
    Life is so easy when you can pad your little brain in cliches.

    Say, I have a great idea! You have a car, I suppose? You have to buy car insurance, right? Why don't we have gun insurance if you want to own a gun?
    A hunting weapon would be pretty cheap. Each weapon would be a policy addition. If your weapon was stolen and you didn't report it, you would lose your insurance.

    Yeah, I know, car insurance is impinging on your right to live free range and there are so many dudes out their who drive with out licenses or insurance, so fuck it....
    Just an idea.

  7. Yeah muddy I'd say "on par with your political beliefs" since you see fit to force people to carry "rights insurance".

    How about insurance for bloggers in case using their 1st amendment rights could possibly cause mental anguish to others? Or, as the lefties are saying "causing violence"?

    Your call for revolution last week in coincidental conjunction with many other liberal bloggers and liberal "leaders" just could have spurred a reader into thinking you were serious and caused them to act.
    Should you have to carry insurance for your thoughts and beliefs too?

  8. You are beginning to sound a bit unhinged again...

  9. As unhinged as the lefties who blamed a facebook map for a mass shooting?
    Or, as unhinged as lefties calling for Palin's murder all over twitter?

  10. calling for palin's murder all over twitter?
    hah, as I said, you are getting a bit unhinged with the scatter shot reasoning you seem to be employing here.
    Taking the emotional over reaction of a few idiots on twitter, and frankly I've seen much nastier and viler stuff coming out of the right and equating it with the eliminationist rhetoric of the conservative main stream media is the reason why I think you are wearing your ass hat these days.
