Friday, January 14, 2011

WorD JanuarY 14, 2011


  1. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Yup...a lesson that is dawning on me. My wife was diagnosed as bi-polar back in 2005-2006 and took, literally, handfuls of psychotropic meds twice a day. As my sister said, everyone at the restaurant knew she was there's that. Plus her role models for doing successful relationships weren't very adept or successful. I'm beginning to some basic cracks that I ignored in order to be with her.

  2. Frankly, if some one I trusted enough to actually listen to had said this to me when I was 17 and I had been rational enough to have believed in, my life would have been a lot less complicated.
    Now I think the only one who could actually have profited from this advice, in the present tense, is my very sweet and (not always so) understanding wife.

  3. Anonymous6:50 PM

    My parents didn't relationships well or at all so there was that. My mother never got over my father and never remarried and had maybe one or two relationships over the rest of her lifetime. My father was married three times. His last marriage was in trouble when he got sick and died of cancer in 1991.

    My wife had the same trouble. While her mother was dying of breast cancer (it took four years while my wife was a child), her father cheated on his dying wife several times. After she died, he remarried to an ex-nun and eventually cheated on her with what was to become his third wife.
    My wife bailed on her previous two marriages. Her sister is incapable of forming a lasting relationship, having been dating over 40 men in the past couple of years.

    Should I be surprised this happened to me...probably not. I'm wounded and devastated, but I knew this would happen.

  4. Whoa, now, think about it! If none of us EVER slept with anyone crazier than ourselves, that would mean NO ONE WOULD EVER GET LAID!

    In any relationship, one party is going to be slightly less well-adjusted than the other, so if all went by this rule you'd end up with no one hooking up with anyone else.

    How 'bout, never sleep with anyone dangerously crazier than yourself... that leaves a little wiggle room.

    Besides, disturbed women are sometimes great lovers. Of course, like black widow spiders, you have to leave the nest quickly if you want to keep your head...

  5. Are you speakin about the coyote syndrome?
    (I didn't really need that left arm more than I think I needed my sanity...uhh, who the hell is this? How did I get here? I don't remember anything about the last 12 if I can only gnaw my left arm off with out wakin up the strange person snoring on top of it....and get the fuck out of here!)

  6. Sepp, wimp boy, where is your comment here? Or do you make every person you sleep with fill out a security clearance form?
