Wednesday, July 20, 2011


  1. how not better than what?

  2. what? (laughing)

    The statement 'she'll leave you and be with new men who are ten times better than you could ever hope to be.'

    I want to know better, in what way?
    Sexually, artistically, physically, financially, domestically, in their character and habits? Better how?

  3. I could try to bluster and say...heyyy, I'm a musician...but I think my joke offended you in some way and I could only make it worse by trying to explain the humor.

    Musicians are artists, artists are a strange lot. Maybe, I couldn't guarantee you a new BMW every year, but it would be interesting...much more interesting than settling down out of a sense of duty with a manager of a pizza chain franchise or say a money market manager in an office in a financial institution in Peoria. Or say, an idiot like me, who wasted years playing punk rock in clubs in NYC...I don't have investments and a BMW, but I still have dreams.

    as I said, it was meant as a joke and humor fails when it has to be explained....
