Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Me No Crazeee.....

Michelle Bachmann, testifyin' in front of her people predicting that the world will end in 2008.
Admit it, the correct adjective is frikin' SPOOKY!
And now, that mean old Karl Rove is talkin about her killer migraines and the medication that Good ol' Doc. Marcus "prescribes" for her....


  1. Hello Microdot,
    This goofy bitch is on something. That Uber religious rambling speech should be all anyone needs to see this person does not have any business on a town councle much less the posistion she has now...not to mention her Presidental run for office. Holy Bat Shit Crazy!!!

  2. Now the story is the mobilized kids she has working for her because of the support for the home schooling movement...she home skuled all of her kids...
    an entire brainless generation of Bachmann Youth!

  3. Bachmann's husband Marcus is no doctor apparently; his claimed PhD in Clinical Psychology is from an alleged diploma mill that never offered such a degree.

  4. The right wingnutters have finally recognized that they've let this empty-headed animal food trough wiper have a pass long enough, because the Daily Caller is now releasing info about her migraines and medications.
    The fact that rational, intelligent people are willing to vote for her amazes the shit out of me. Crazy sells...

  5. who you callin rational, intelligent people white boy?
    face it squatio, rational intelligent is a very special minority these days....

    Actually, I feel Michelle is a disaster getting ready to happen to herself....

  6. Mooner, I see you comments on Squatlo....You do have a real infestation problem down there in Texas...
    You might have to start fumigating before they destroy the foundations!
