Monday, July 18, 2011

It's A Soaraway Life

Beneath the video is a link for this morning news about the discovery in a storeroom at Scotland Yard of a bag of evidence that had been "lost" for years that contained the records of thousands of phone hacking  investigations. The discovery of the bag is what led to the resignation of John Yates.
Since then, things have seem to have really hotted up. The whistle blowing reporter, Sean Hoare, who broke the story was found dead at this home, as reported in the Guardian later today.
Then, another curious detail has emerged. The personal computer of Rebecca Brooks was found in a trash bin in an underground car park in Chelsea. It had not been reported stolen, but after it was found, her husband tried to retrieve it from the police. Read the latest about this in another article from todays' Guardian. This seems to be getting rather interesting as Jude Law and David Beckham have both filed complaints against the Murdoch Organization in the United States for personal info hacking which occurred there.

And get a whiff of the latest....
NYTimes July 18th, 2011

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