Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'm With The Marines!

Last week I asked the question, Which Side Are You On?
Here's a video shot last night in Boston, where the Boston Police attack and violently arrest a contingent of United States Army Veterans who are protesting as part of the Occupy Boston Manifestation.
I was alerted to this incident by my friend, Stephen, a US Army Vet in Toledo, who recognized his friend a fellow Veteran who he had served with, Rachel McNeil, an eloquent spokesperson for Veteran Issues and a political activist, being violently assaulted at the 1:51 point in the video. Ostensibly, the reason for the Boston Police action was to protect the $150,000 worth of shrubbery at the site of the Rose Kennedy Greenway, the site of the Occupy Boston Demonstrations. The Boston Globe reported that the arrested demonstrators were "put n their stomachs, cable tied and dragged off..."
You know, the police are reduced to attacking non violent protestors because they are the unwitting agents of the banks and financial institutions that have paid them off. In NYC, many of the police are refusing to take part in the repressive actions against the protestors as they realize that they are in sympathy with the movement. In spite of the disinformation and incessant media smear campaign, this is a movement which only grows and defines itself more eloquently each day. Which side am I on? You have to ask? I'm with the Marines!


  1. Excellent information, Microdot.

    The line that stands out in shockingly glossy importance was this one:

    You know, the police are reduced to attacking non violent protestors because they are the unwitting agents of the banks and financial institutions that have paid them off.

    How far has our 'democracy' sunk with this reality??

    It would be interesting to drop this link on Sepp's site so that his 'patriotic' veterans could see the truth rather than the echo chamber of idiocy in which they dwell. Currently, sepp has posted a video of one demonstrator denouncing the military and therefore, as you would expect, EVERYONE in the movement is 'just like her.'

  2. I have been in contact with Rachel today via facebook and my friend, Steve. She's out of police custody and was never informed as to what she had been charged with. I keep saying that the manner that mainstream America is dealing with this phenomena only makes it stronger and it becomes more focused and coherent by the hour. Conservative media is spinning wildly, with out a real clue and only fueling the movement. At this time, we control the real flow of information. Keep using the internet. Sepp is a little man with a big mouth and nil audience.The only interesting thing if this was to be sent to him would be watching him spin it and ignore it. Why bother...he is irrelevant.
