Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

Here's the live stream of Occupy Wall Street, but here's the link for  The Occupy can choose to see a live stream of cities around the USA and soon, the world.
 The London Stock Exchange next!


  1. Laci wrote about this over on Mikeb's blog earlier today.

    He had dropped in on the nearest assembly of the occupy folks earlier. I noticed that this was so much more peaceful than the recent riots, but I suspect that this taps into some of the same unhappiness.

    You consistently post the most interesting stuff- but then we seem to share a taste in art and particularly the same esoteric enjoyment of silent films.

  2. I'm glad you enjoy the more esoteric stuff I post because I blunder about the web being amazed for a few hours a day and there is just so much cool stuff that I just have to share with everybody...I live a pretty divided existence...I spend as much time as I can outside...what I do here is stuff with shovels and pitchforks and power present projects are taking out the muck on the bottom of my pond, while it is dry before the rains start up and using it on my garden and splitting and chainsawing wood...that and eating...the rest of my day is thinking about food and making it...I am so blessed to be married to a genius. Then I sit down at the computer and figure out how to make gif images because I find GIFs are my present favorite form of visual poetry.....
    Then I blog into unconsciousness...pass out and start it all over again the next day....
