Sunday, November 13, 2011

addio Berlusconi

The last bunga bunga party...
actually, an excerpt from Federico Fellini's 1969 Satyricon
a true mind altering masterpiece of cinematic art


  1. my favorite movie of all time!

  2. An incredible experience...I remember seeing it in Detroit when it came out at Wayne State. It is better than almost any sci fi film I have ever seen for sheer imagination and scope of vision. Totally surreal/all to real.
    Do you remember the sorceress? Played by the model Danielle Luna? Danielle was from Detroit and I had a total crush on her younger sister, Jackie, who in 1965 was 15 and had the total Diana Ross thing down....

  3. Check this out:

  4. Graham, thank you for the link. I never realized that Danyelle was in the Preminger psychedelic musical extravaganza Skidooo...with Groucho! I haven't seen that ne in ages...have you?

  5. Jackie Gleason on LSD! Groucho (smoking weed) as God! I saw it in San Francisco ages ago. Amazing movie! I see it is for sale as a DVD (NTSC though) on Amazon.
