Saturday, November 12, 2011

Biking On Broadway 2011

You gotta view this full screen because this was almost 25 years of my life, biking on Broadway in Manhattan. I was a bike messenger for almost 2 years back in the day. The last time I biked on Broadway was about 13 months ago. I live a few thousand miles away now, but this video made me so horny to get on a bike and let those magnetic waves pull me through Manhattan!


  1. I enjoyed this! that's one brave/crazy bicyclist...and speaking of crazy...i remember those insane bike messengers back in the day who would hitch a ride by holding on to the back of trucks & buses, always averted my eyes because I didn't want to be a witness to a squashing

  2. I never hitched a ride, but I did a lot of stupid things like gliding between moving buses and trucks, weaving through pedestrians and running lights. I had one bike accident in NYC, it was on Grand Street. A woman opened her car door , I slammed into it, the window, luckily was down and I flew in an automatic crouch position landing somehow on my feet with my bike bouncing off the car door and the woman who opened the door uninjured but in as much shock as I was.
    No body got hurt, my bike wasn't damaged, we were both laughing from hysterical relief. I got on my bike and rod off.
