Sunday, November 06, 2011

So, I get to use my shiny new DEVO gif...what's your Favorite DEVO song?


  1. DUDE, I was born in '76. Give me a break. But I do love the red, flower pot head dress.

  2. 1976? That's back when I was a drawbridge operator on the Maumee River! Well, I am learning that in spite of certain physical realities, age is a very relative thing.

  3. You got that right brother. I missed out on a ton of good shit.

  4. Mine Is The Song They're Playing On Your .gif .... The Girl U Want ...

    Great Site BTW! ... Oh Yeah .... Squatlo sent me .... he was right ... YOU iz da shiz!

  5. bj. thanx for the words! funny when I tried to up.load the youtube address you gave me, it said I couldn't access it from here in France, but I tried another version, the version I got the frames from and it works fine....I'm an an ex toledo dweller and devo was one of the things that made living in ohio bearable....
    they are kent state boys!
